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Star Wars: Destiny -> Cardlists -> Legacies

Available cardlists:
PromoWay of the Force
AwakeningsAcross the Galaxy
Spirit of RebellionConvergence
Two-Player GameAllies of Necessity
Empire at WarSpark of Hope
LegaciesCovert Missions

Edition: Legacies

Available languages (8):

Nr ScanNameName (org)TypeFactionRarity
180[brak obrazka] Canalone del Generatore - Morte Nera IPower Generator Trench - Death Star IBattlefieldGeneralU
179[brak obrazka] Arena Petranaki - GeonosisPetranaki Arena - GeonosisBattlefieldGeneralC
178[brak obrazka] Avamposto della Fascia Esterna - Nal HuttaOuter Rim Outpost - Nal HuttaBattlefieldGeneralS
177[brak obrazka] Ponte di Lancio - Home OneLaunch Deck - Home OneBattlefieldGeneralU
176[brak obrazka] Palazzo Imperiale - CoruscantImperial Palace - CoruscantBattlefieldGeneralU
175[brak obrazka] Piattaforma della Cittadella - ScarifCitadel Landing Zone - ScarifBattlefieldGeneralC
174[brak obrazka] Desolazioni Aride - GeonosisArid Wasteland - GeonosisBattlefieldGeneralS
173[brak obrazka] Controllo Del TerritorioTaking GroundPlotGeneralC
172[brak obrazka] Informazioni RubateStolen IntelPlotGeneralC
171[brak obrazka] Contatto ProficuoProfitable ConnectionPlotGeneralU
170[brak obrazka] Attacco PreventivoPreemptive StrikePlotGeneralU
169[brak obrazka] RafforzareFortifyPlotGeneralU
168[brak obrazka] SpionaggioEspionagePlotGeneralU
167[brak obrazka] Fondina per Estrazione RapidaQuickdraw HolsterUpgradeGeneralC
166[brak obrazka] Guardia del CorpoBodyguardUpgradeGeneralU
165[brak obrazka] Cumulo di RottamiScrap HeapSupportGeneralU
164[brak obrazka] Deposito SecondarioRemote StockpileSupportGeneralC
163[brak obrazka] Specialista di RiservaBackup SpecialistSupportGeneralC
162[brak obrazka] RifugioShelterEventGeneralC
161[brak obrazka] Vietato ImbrogliareNo CheatingEventGeneralU
160[brak obrazka] Tempesta di GhiaccioIce StormEventGeneralC
159[brak obrazka] TuffoDiveEventGeneralC
158[brak obrazka] DifesaDefendEventGeneralC
157[brak obrazka] Contatti MultipliWell-ConnectedEventRogueC
156[brak obrazka] VandalizzareVandalizeEventRogueU
155[brak obrazka] Estrazione RapidaQuick DrawEventRogueC
154[brak obrazka] AdescareLureEventRogueU
153[brak obrazka] Uscita PrecipitosaHasty ExitEventRogueC
152[brak obrazka] Faccia a FacciaFace-OffEventRogueC
151[brak obrazka] IntralciareEntangleEventRogueS
150[brak obrazka] Manovra pericolosaDangerous ManeuverEventRogueC
149[brak obrazka] ControffensivaCounter StrikeEventRogueC
148[brak obrazka] Rissa in TavernaCantina BrawlEventRogueU
147[brak obrazka] SbeffeggiareBamboozleEventRogueC
146[brak obrazka] Squadra di CoperturaCover TeamSupportCommandC
145[brak obrazka] Scudo SfericoBubble ShieldSupportCommandU
144[brak obrazka] Informazioni sul BersaglioTarget IntelEventCommandC
143[brak obrazka] Posizione di SuperioritàSuperior PositionEventCommandC
142[brak obrazka] Impatto ImprovvisoSudden ImpactEventCommandU
141[brak obrazka] Superiorità NumericaStrength in NumbersEventCommandC
140[brak obrazka] RinforzareReinforceEventCommandU
139[brak obrazka] Carico e Pronto al FuocoLocked and LoadedEventCommandC
138[brak obrazka] Legge e OrdineLaw and OrderEventCommandC
137[brak obrazka] Atterraggio di FortunaCrash LandingEventCommandS
136[brak obrazka] Giro di ViteCrackdownEventCommandC
135[brak obrazka] ResilienzaResilientUpgradeForceU
134[brak obrazka] PerseveranzaPerserveranceSupportForceC
133[brak obrazka] La Forza É Con MeThe Force Is With MeEventForceC
132[brak obrazka] Più forte sei diventatoStronger You Have BecomeEventForceU
131[brak obrazka] Istante di PaceRespiteEventForceC
130[brak obrazka] FuorviareMisleadEventForceC
129[brak obrazka] EreditàLegaciesEventForceU
128[brak obrazka] RinvigorireInvigorateEventForceS
127[brak obrazka] Percepisci la ForzaFeel The ForceEventForceC
126[brak obrazka] Antica SaggezzaAncient WisdomEventForceC
125[brak obrazka] AlterazioneAlterEventForceC
124[brak obrazka] Nello Scarico di RifiutiInto The Garbage ChuteEventGeneralU
123[brak obrazka] Protezione DiplomaticaDiplomatic ProtectionUpgradeRogueU
122[brak obrazka] Sotterraneo di MazMaz's VaultSupportRogueU
121[brak obrazka] Rotta del ContrabbandiereSmuggler's RunEventRogueC
120[brak obrazka] Strapezzente e CafoneScruffy Looking Nerf-HerderEventRogueC
119[brak obrazka] ImpulsivoImpulsiveEventRogueC
118[brak obrazka] Tattiche EsplosiveExplosive TacticsEventRogueU
117[brak obrazka] Prede FaciliEasy PickingsEventRogueU
116[brak obrazka] SpavalderiaBravadoEventRogueC
115[brak obrazka] Campo Di SoppressioneSuppression FieldSupportCommandU
114[brak obrazka] Modifiche SpecialiSpecial ModificationEventCommandU
113[brak obrazka] RiconfigurazioneRefitEventCommandC
112[brak obrazka] Intervento RiparatoreMendEventCommandU
111[brak obrazka] Fate Fuoco e FiammeLight 'Em UpEventCommandC
110[brak obrazka] Momento FinaleFinal MomentEventCommandU
109[brak obrazka] EquipaggiarsiEquipEventCommandC
108[brak obrazka] Percorso d'AttaccoAttack RunEventCommandC
107[brak obrazka] Capanna di YodaYoda's HutSupportForceU
106[brak obrazka] Insegnamenti DifensiviDefensive TeachingSupportForceU
105[brak obrazka] IrriducibileUnbreakableEventForceC
104[brak obrazka] Forza Attraverso la DebolezzaStrength Through WeaknessEventForceU
103[brak obrazka] IndagineInvestigateEventForceC
102[brak obrazka] Percezione AcuitaHeightened AwarenessEventForceS
101[brak obrazka] Colpo AtaruAtaru StrikeEventForceU
100[brak obrazka] AdattamentoAdaptEventForceC
99[brak obrazka] SoverchiareOutnumberEventGeneralC
98[brak obrazka] Spiccare il VoloTake FlightEventRogueC
97[brak obrazka] SoggiogareSubdueEventRogueC
96[brak obrazka] DicerieRumorsEventRogueC
95[brak obrazka] Non Mi Serve a Niente MortoNo Good To Me DeadEventRogueC
94[brak obrazka] InseguimentoIn PursuitEventRogueU
93[brak obrazka] Tutti Contro TuttiFree-For-AllEventRogueU
92[brak obrazka] Caccia al RepertoDelveEventRogueU
91[brak obrazka] Ponte di comandoCommand BridgeSupportCommandU
90[brak obrazka] Tre Passi AvantiThree Steps AheadEventCommandU
89[brak obrazka] Tiro al BersaglioTarget PracticeEventCommandC
88[brak obrazka] Esplosione a FrammentazioneShrapnel BlastEventCommandC
87[brak obrazka] Terra BruciataScorched EarthEventCommandU
86[brak obrazka] Potenza ImperialeImperial MightEventCommandC
85[brak obrazka] Schiacciare la RibellioneCrush the RebellionEventCommandU
84[brak obrazka] AffaticamentoBattle FatigueEventCommandC
83[brak obrazka] Congrega della Sorelle della NotteNightsister CovenSupportForceU
82[brak obrazka] Magia delle StregheWitch MagickEventForceC
81[brak obrazka] Incantesimo di RimozioneSpell of RemovalEventForceC
80[brak obrazka] TrappolaSnareEventForceU
79[brak obrazka] Io Sono Tuo PadreI Am Your FatherEventForceU
78[brak obrazka] SpaventareFrightenEventForceC
77[brak obrazka] Doppio ColpoDouble StrikeEventForceU
76[brak obrazka] Complotto OscuroDark SchemeEventForceC
75[brak obrazka] Consumato dal Lato OscuroConsumed By The Dark SideEventForceC
74[brak obrazka] Manganello StordenteStun BatonUpgradeGeneralR
73[brak obrazka] Fucile da CacciaHunting RifleUpgradeGeneralS
72[brak obrazka] Blaster NascostoHidden BlasterUpgradeGeneralS
71[brak obrazka] Pistola di Canto BightCanto Bight PistolUpgradeGeneralR
70[brak obrazka] HWK-290 ModificatoModified HWK-290SupportGeneralR
69[brak obrazka] VibrocutlassVibrocutlassUpgradeRogueR
68[brak obrazka] Assalto di GruppoGang UpUpgradeRogueR
67[brak obrazka] ContrattareBarteringUpgradeRogueR
66[brak obrazka] Carro Speeder PirataPirate Speeder TankSupportRogueL
65[brak obrazka] Hondo Ohnaka - Affarista RispettabileHondo Ohnaka - Respected BusinessmanCharacterRogueR
64[brak obrazka] Speeder Bike 74-Z74-Z Speeder BikeUpgradeCommandS
63[brak obrazka] Blaster E-11E-11 BlasterUpgradeCommandR
62[brak obrazka] Cannone AutomaticoAuto CannonUpgradeCommandR
61[brak obrazka] Postazione Di VedettaLookout PostSupportCommandR
60[brak obrazka] Battaglione TerrestreGround BattalionSupportCommandR
59[brak obrazka] Comlink Hush-98Hush-98 ComlinkUpgradeForceR
58[brak obrazka] Spada Laser EreditataHeirloom LightsaberUpgradeForceS
57[brak obrazka] Onda di ForzaForce WaveUpgradeForceL
56[brak obrazka] Concentrazione di ForzaForce FocusUpgradeForceS
55[brak obrazka] Incrociatore della RepubblicaRepublic CruiserSupportGeneralR
54[brak obrazka] Fucile-Bo di Zeb OrreliosZeb Orrelios' Bo-RifleUpgradeRogueL
53[brak obrazka] Fascino da CanagliaRoguish CharmUpgradeRogueR
52[brak obrazka] Millennium FalconMillennium FalconSupportRogueS
51[brak obrazka] Booma RotolantiRunaway BoomasSupportRogueR
50[brak obrazka] Zeb Orrelios - L'Ultimo LasatZeb Orrelios - The Last LasatCharacterRogueL
49[brak obrazka] Saw Gerrera - Leader EstremistaSaw Gerrera - Extremist LeaderCharacterRogueL
48[brak obrazka] Partigiano di JedhaJedha PartisanCharacterRogueR
47[brak obrazka] Jar Jar Binks - Reietto MaldestroJar Jar Binks - Clumsy OutcastCharacterRogueR
46[brak obrazka] Han Solo - Contrabbandiere ScaltroHan Solo - Savvy SmugglerCharacterRogueS
45[brak obrazka] Leader Della RibellioneRebellion LeaderUpgradeCommandL
44[brak obrazka] Fucile MimeticoCamouflaged RifleUpgradeCommandR
43[brak obrazka] Bombardiere Della ResistenzaResistance BomberSupportCommandR
42[brak obrazka] Squadra MortaioMortar TeamSupportCommandR
41[brak obrazka] Wedge Antilles - Capo SquadrigliaWedge Antilles - Squad LeaderCharacterCommandR
40[brak obrazka] Rose - Abile RiparatriceRose - Skilled MechanicCharacterCommandR
39[brak obrazka] Finn - Arruolato a Viva ForzaFinn - Soldier of NecessityCharacterCommandL
38[brak obrazka] Clone SoldatoClone TrooperCharacterCommandR
37[brak obrazka] Spada Laser di Obi-Wan KenobiObi-Wan Kenobi's LightsaberUpgradeForceL
36[brak obrazka] Meditazione di ForzaForce MeditationUpgradeForceR
35[brak obrazka] R2-D2R2-D2SupportForceS
34[brak obrazka] Intercettore ETA-2ETA-2 InterceptorSupportForceR
33[brak obrazka] Yoda - Maestro VenerandoYoda - Wizened MasterCharacterForceL
32[brak obrazka] Obi-Wan Kenobi - Maestro JediObi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi MasterCharacterForceR
31[brak obrazka] Luke Skywalker - Eroe ImprobabileLuke Skywalker - Unlikely HeroCharacterForceS
30[brak obrazka] Jedi Temple GuardJedi Temple GuardCharacterForceR
29[brak obrazka] Aayla Secura - Generale JediAayla Secura - Jedi GeneralCharacterForceR
28[brak obrazka] BB-9EBB-9ESupportGeneralR
27[brak obrazka] Razzi da PolsoWrist RocketsUpgradeRogueS
26[brak obrazka] Istinto da CacciatoreHunter InstinctUpgradeRogueS
25[brak obrazka] Slave ISlave ISupportRogueS
24[brak obrazka] BT-1BT-1SupportRogueR
23[brak obrazka] Ark AngelArk AngelSupportRogueR
22[brak obrazka] Traditore RibelleRebel TraitorCharacterRogueR
21[brak obrazka] Greedo - Mercenario SfortunatoGreedo - Unlucky MercenaryCharacterRogueL
20[brak obrazka] Dottoressa Aphra - Cacciatrice di ArtefattiDoctor Aphra - Artifact HunterCharacterRogueL
19[brak obrazka] Boba Fett - Mercenario LetaleBoba Fett - Deadly MercenaryCharacterRogueS
18[brak obrazka] Bib Fortuna - MaggiordomoBib Fortuna - MajordomoCharacterRogueR
17[brak obrazka] Fucile-Bo di KallusKallus' Bo-RifleUpgradeCommandL
16[brak obrazka] Gran MoffGrand MoffUpgradeCommandL
15[brak obrazka] Granata a FrammentazioneFragmentation GrenadeUpgradeCommandR
14[brak obrazka] Nave Da Sbarco SeparatistaSeparatist Landing CraftSupportCommandR
13[brak obrazka] Assaltatore VeteranoVeteran StormtrooperCharacterCommandS
12[brak obrazka] Tarkin - Gran MoffTarkin - Grand MoffCharacterCommandL
11[brak obrazka] Nute Gunray - Vicerè SeparatistaNute Gunray - Separatist ViceroyCharacterCommandR
10[brak obrazka] Kallus - Agente dell'ImperoKallus - Agent of the EmpireCharacterCommandR
9[brak obrazka] Droide da BattagliaBattle DroidCharacterCommandR
8[brak obrazka] Spada Laser di MaulMaul's LightsaberUpgradeForceL
7[brak obrazka] Distruzione di ForzaForce RendUpgradeForceR
6[brak obrazka] Sfera di CristalloCrystal BallUpgradeForceR
5[brak obrazka] Astrocaccia di Kylo RenKylo Ren's StarfighterSupportForceL
4[brak obrazka] Palpatine - Darth SidiousPalpatine - Darth SidiousCharacterForceR
3[brak obrazka] Madre Talzin - Matriarca delle Sorelle della NotteMother Talzin - Nightsister MatriarchCharacterForceR
2[brak obrazka] Maul - In Cerca di VendettaMaul - Vengeful OneCharacterForceL
1[brak obrazka] Consigliere OscuroDark AdvisorCharacterForceR

Cards: 180

Rarity distribution
Type distribution
Faction distribution