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Talia: Judge of the Change starter - Spice Miners Guild

Talia do gry:Dune
Nazwa:Judge of the Change starter - Spice Miners Guild
Typ turniejowy:
Poziom zaawansowania:1
Data wpisania:2012-02-23
Data edycji:2012-02-23

Lista kart (59):
Decree (1):
[Skan] 1x Judge of the Change 
Dune Fief (6):
[Skan] 1x Arrakeen, Capital of Arrakis 
[Skan] 1x Carthag, Harkonnen Megalopolis 
[Skan] 1x Imperial Basin, Arrakeen Valley 
[Skan] 1x The Great Flat 
[Skan] 1x The Minor Erg, Desert Expanse 
[Skan] 1x The Open Bled, Desert Sea 
Event (5):
[Skan] 1x Festival of the Harvest 
[Skan] 1x Harvesting Summit 
[Skan] 1x Sandworm, Coming of the Maker 
[Skan] 2x Wormsign 
Equipment (5):
[Skan] 1x Desert-Rigged Ornithopter 
[Skan] 1x Hunter Seeker, Assassination Device 
[Skan] 2x Spice Harvester, Spice Mining Factory 
[Skan] 1x Stunner, Slow-Pellet Projectile 
Charter (7):
[Skan] 1x CHOAM Directorship 
[Skan] 1x Conversion Contracts 
[Skan] 1x Exchange Seat, CHOAM Chairmanship 
[Skan] 1x Harvesting Contract 
[Skan] 1x Shield Wall Bases 
[Skan] 1x Spotter Control, Harvesting Union 
[Skan] 1x Suspensor Technologies 
Ally (6):
[Skan] 1x Lt. Aneirin, Carryall Helmsman 
[Skan] 1x Mess'r Coss, Arrakeen Spice Driver 
[Skan] 1x Omri B'Rrican, Miners Guild Director 
[Skan] 1x Pardee, Harkonnen Agent 
[Skan] 1x Sister Baruna, Proctor of the Panoplia 
[Skan] 1x Tivor Manx, Pad 9 Sandmaster 
Personnel (11):
[Skan] 1x Assassin Cohort 
[Skan] 1x CHOAM League 
[Skan] 3x Dune Men, Spice Mining Corps 
[Skan] 3x House Battalion 
[Skan] 1x Pyon Labor Force 
[Skan] 2x Spice Dogs, Spice Mining Union Reps 
Aide (5):
[Skan] 1x House Agent 
[Skan] 1x House Swordmaster 
[Skan] 2x Pyon Elder, Labor Spokesman 
[Skan] 1x Sandmaster 
Siridar Fief (1):
[Skan] 1x Dune, Center of the Universe 
Enhancement (5):
[Skan] 1x Command Center 
[Skan] 1x Learning of the Wise 
[Skan] 2x Prayers of the Righteous 
[Skan] 1x Pyon Village 
Venture (3):
[Skan] 1x Razzia, Semi - Piratical Raid 
[Skan] 1x Spotter Flight 
[Skan] 1x Vessel of Karama 
Tactic (4):
[Skan] 1x Ancestral Provenance 
[Skan] 2x Arbiter Proclamation 
[Skan] 1x Fanaticism