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Middle Earth -> Cardlists -> The Dragons

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Edition: The Dragons

Available languages (5):

NrScanNameType RaceRarity
2[Skan]Fram FramsonCharacterR2
5[Skan]Thráin IICharacterR2
84[Skan]BairanaxHazard CreatureR2
85[Skan]Carrion BirdsHazard CreatureC2
86[Skan]Cave WormHazard CreatureC1
87[Skan]Dire WolvesHazard CreatureC2
88[Skan]Dunlending RaidersHazard CreatureC1
89[Skan]EärcaraxëHazard CreatureR2
90[Skan]GothmogHazard CreatureR2
91[Skan]HobgoblinsHazard CreatureC2
92[Skan]Ice-drakeHazard CreatureC1
93[Skan]ItangastHazard CreatureR2
94[Skan]Land-drakeHazard CreatureC2
95[Skan]Lesser SpidersHazard CreatureC2
96[Skan]Light-drakeHazard CreatureC2
97[Skan]Marsh-drakeHazard CreatureC2
98[Skan]Morgul-ratsHazard CreatureR3
99[Skan]Rain-drakeHazard CreatureC2
100[Skan]Sand-drakeHazard CreatureU2
101[Skan]ScathaHazard CreatureR2
102[Skan]ScorbaHazard CreatureR2
103[Skan]Sea SerpentHazard CreatureC1
104[Skan]Thunder's CompanionHazard CreatureC2
105[Skan]True Cold-drakeHazard CreatureC1
106[Skan]True Fire-drakeHazard CreatureC1
107[Skan]Were-wormHazard CreatureR2
108[Skan]Wild Fell BeastHazard CreatureR2
109[Skan]Winged Cold-drakeHazard CreatureU2
110[Skan]Winged Fire-drakeHazard CreatureU2
111[Skan]Wolf-ridersHazard CreatureC2
112[Skan]Agburanar AhuntHazard EventU2
113[Skan]Agburanar at HomeHazard EventR3
114[Skan]Bairanax AhuntHazard EventU2
115[Skan]Bairanax at HomeHazard EventR3
116[Skan]Black BreathHazard EventR2
117[Skan]Cruel CaradhrasHazard EventU2
118[Skan]Daelomin AhuntHazard EventU2
119[Skan]Daelomin at HomeHazard EventR3
120[Skan]Deftness of AgilityHazard EventR3
122[Skan]Dragon's BloodHazard EventC2
123[Skan]Dragon's BreathHazard EventU2
124[Skan]Dragon's CurseHazard EventC1
125[Skan]Dragon's TerrorHazard EventU2
121[Skan]Dragon-sicknessHazard EventC2
126[Skan]Eärcaraxë AhuntHazard EventU2
127[Skan]Eärcaraxë at HomeHazard EventR3
128[Skan]Exile of SolitudeHazard EventR3
129[Skan]Fever of UnrestHazard EventR3
130[Skan]Foolish WordsHazard EventC2
131[Skan]Frenzy of MadnessHazard EventR3
132[Skan]From the Pits of AngbandHazard EventU2
133[Skan]Half an Eye OpenHazard EventC1
134[Skan]Host of BatsHazard EventU2
135[Skan]Icy TouchHazard EventC2
136[Skan]Incite DenizensHazard EventC2
137[Skan]Incite MinionsHazard EventC2
138[Skan]Itangast AhuntHazard EventU2
139[Skan]Itangast at HomeHazard EventR3
140[Skan]Known to an OunceHazard EventR2
141[Skan]Left BehindHazard EventU2
142[Skan]Leucaruth AhuntHazard EventU2
143[Skan]Leucaruth at HomeHazard EventR3
144[Skan]Many Sorrows BefallHazard EventR2
145[Skan]Memories StolenHazard EventR2
146[Skan]No Escape from My MagicHazard EventR2
147[Skan]Noose of the SeaHazard EventU2
148[Skan]Parsimony of SeclusionHazard EventR3
149[Skan]Passion of WrathHazard EventR3
150[Skan]Peril ReturnedHazard EventC2
151[Skan]Prowess of AgeHazard EventR3
152[Skan]Prowess of MightHazard EventR3
153[Skan]Rumor of WealthHazard EventU2
154[Skan]Scatha AhuntHazard EventU2
155[Skan]Scatha at HomeHazard EventR3
156[Skan]Scorba AhuntHazard EventU2
157[Skan]Scorba at HomeHazard EventR3
158[Skan]Searching EyeHazard EventC2
159[Skan]Shadow of MordorHazard EventR2
160[Skan]Sleepless MaliceHazard EventU2
161[Skan]Smaug AhuntHazard EventU2
162[Skan]Smaug at HomeHazard EventR3
163[Skan]Song of the LadyHazard EventR2
164[Skan]StormcrowHazard EventC2
165[Skan]Subtlety of GuileHazard EventR3
166[Skan]Times Are EvilHazard EventU2
167[Skan]Velocity of HasteHazard EventR3
168[Skan]Winds of WrathHazard EventR2
169[Skan]Withered LandsHazard EventC1
170[Skan]Worm's StenchHazard EventU2
171[Skan]Worn and FamishedHazard EventC2
6[Skan]Nenseldë the WingildResource AllyR2
28[Skan]A Short RestResource EventC2
29[Skan]Alert the FolkResource EventU2
30[Skan]And Forth He HastenedResource EventC2
31[Skan]BelegaerResource EventC1
32[Skan]Bounty of the HoardResource EventC2
33[Skan]BurglaryResource EventC2
34[Skan]Cloudless DayResource EventU2
37[Skan]Dragon's HungerResource EventR3
35[Skan]Dragon-feudsResource EventU2
36[Skan]Dragon-loreResource EventU2
38[Skan]Dwarven HoardResource EventC2
39[Skan]Echo of all JoyResource EventU2
40[Skan]Elf-pathResource EventC2
41[Skan]Fast AsleepResource EventC2
42[Skan]Flatter a FoeResource EventC1
43[Skan]ForodResource EventC1
44[Skan]Gift of ComprehensionResource EventC1
45[Skan]HaradResource EventC1
46[Skan]Helm of Her SecrecyResource EventR2
47[Skan]Here, There, or YonderResource EventU2
48[Skan]Hey! come merry dol!Resource EventC2
49[Skan]Houses of HealingResource EventC2
50[Skan]King under the MountainResource EventR2
51[Skan]Legendary HoardResource EventR2
52[Skan]Look More Closely LaterResource EventC1
53[Skan]Lore of the AgesResource EventC2
54[Skan]Many Foes he FoughtResource EventC2
55[Skan]Many Turns and DoublingsResource EventC2
56[Skan]Map to MithrilResource EventU2
57[Skan]Marvels ToldResource EventC2
58[Skan]Master of EsgarothResource EventC2
59[Skan]Master of Wood, Water, or HillResource EventC2
60[Skan]Mathom LoreResource EventR2
61[Skan]More Sense than YouResource EventC2
62[Skan]Not at HomeResource EventC2
63[Skan]Pledge of ConductResource EventC2
64[Skan]RefugeResource EventC2
65[Skan]RhûnResource EventC1
66[Skan]Riddling TalkResource EventU2
67[Skan]Sated BeastResource EventU2
68[Skan]Secret NewsResource EventC2
69[Skan]Skin-changerResource EventR2
70[Skan]Staff AsunderResource EventR2
71[Skan]Star of High HopeResource EventU2
72[Skan]Tales of the HuntResource EventC2
73[Skan]The Riddle GameResource EventR2
74[Skan]Three Golden HairsResource EventU2
75[Skan]TrickeryResource EventC2
76[Skan]Vanish in Sunlight!Resource EventU2
77[Skan]Warm Now Be Heart and LimbResource EventC2
78[Skan]Washed and RefreshedResource EventC2
79[Skan]When I Know AnythingResource EventC2
80[Skan]Wielded TwiceResource EventC2
81[Skan]WitResource EventU2
82[Skan]Wizard UncloakedResource EventU2
83[Skan]Wondrous MapsResource EventC1
7[Skan]Men of DaleResource FactionU2
8[Skan]Men of Lake-townResource FactionU2
9[Skan]Returned ExilesResource FactionR2
10[Skan]Adamant HelmetResource ItemC2
11[Skan]Arrows Shorn of EbonyResource ItemU2
12[Skan]Bow of Dragon-hornResource ItemU2
13[Skan]CramResource ItemC2
14[Skan]Emerald of DoriathResource ItemU2
15[Skan]Emerald of the MarinerResource ItemR2
16[Skan]Enruned ShieldResource ItemU2
17[Skan]Gold Belt of LórienResource ItemU2
18[Skan]Habergeon of SilverResource ItemC2
19[Skan]Magical HarpResource ItemU2
20[Skan]Necklace of Silver and PearlsResource ItemC1
21[Skan]Scabbard of ChalcedonyResource ItemC2
22[Skan]Thrór's MapResource ItemU2
23[Skan]Twice-baked CakesResource ItemC1
24[Skan]Valiant SwordResource ItemC2
25[Skan]WaybreadResource ItemU3
26[Skan]Wizard's StaffResource ItemU2
27[Skan]WormsbaneResource ItemR2
172[Skan]Buhr WiduSiteU2
175[Skan]Gold HillSiteU2
177[Skan]Isle of the UlondSiteU2
178[Skan]Ovir HollowSiteU2
180[Skan]Zarak DûmSiteU2

Cards: 180

Rarity distribution
Type distribution
Hazard Creature28
Hazard Event60
Resource Ally1
Resource Event56
Resource Faction3
Resource Item18