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Universal Fighting System -> Cardlists

Available cardlists:
PromoSF06 - Fight for the Future
Penny Arcade Battle BoxDS01 - Darkstalkers
SF01 - Street FighterSF07 - Domination
SC01 - Soul Calibur IIISNK03 - The Cutting Edge
SF02 - World WarriorsSF08 - Deadly Ground
SC02 - A Tale of Swords & SoulsDS02 - Realm of Midnight
Soul Calibur III Battle PackSC06 - Flash of the Blades
SF03 - The Next LevelSNK04 - The King of Fighters
SNK01 - PlaymoreSNK05 - Flames of Fame
SF04 - The Dark PathSF09 - Warrior's Dream
SC03 - Soul ArenaSW01 - ShadoWar
SF05 - Extreme RivalsSCIV01 - Soul Calibur IV
SC04 - Blades of FuryTekken 6
Street Fighter Battle PackSCIV02 - Quest of Souls
SC05 - Higher CaliburRH01 - Red Horizon
SNK02 - Fortune & GloryRH02 - Tides of Vengeance