Card: The Arkenstone
Name | The Arkenstone |
Game | Middle Earth |
Set | Promo |
Rarity | P |
Foil | NF |
Card Text | Unique. +5 to bearer's direct influence against Dwarves and Dwarf factions. Each Dwarf in play has +1 mind. If the bearer of this item is at the same site as a Dwarf character, you may discard this item to force the discard of the Dwarf (and all cards he controls). |
Flavor Text | "...it was tinged with a flickering sparkle of many colours at the syrface, reflected and splintered from the wavering light of his torch."-LotRV |
Artist | Donato Giancola |
Number | 20/21 |
Language | English |
Type | Resource Item |
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