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Middle Earth -> Cardlists -> Against the Shadow

Available cardlists:
PromoLidless Eye
ReprintsAgainst the Shadow
The Wizards (limited)The White Hand
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The DragonsThe Balrog
Dark Minions

Edition: Against the Shadow

Available languages (3):

Nr ScanNameTypeRaceRarity
7[Skan]Black HorseResource AllyC3
8[Skan]Creature of an Older WorldResource AllyR2
9[Skan]Great BatsResource AllyC3
10[Skan]Great Lord of Goblin-gateResource AllyR2
11[Skan]Regiment of Black CrowsResource AllyC3
12[Skan]The BalrogResource AllyR2
13[Skan]Angmarim (H)Resource FactionR1
14[Skan]Haradrim (H)Resource FactionR2
15[Skan]NurniagsResource FactionR1
16[Skan]Petty-dwarves (H)Resource FactionR2
17[Skan]Wain-easterlings (H)Resource FactionU2
18[Skan]Woses of the Eryn VornResource FactionU2
19[Skan]Angmarim (M)Resource FactionR2
20[Skan]AsdriagsResource FactionU2
21[Skan]Bairanax RousedResource FactionR1
22[Skan]Black NúmenóreansResource FactionU2
23[Skan]Corsairs of RhunResource FactionU3
24[Skan]Daelomin RousedResource FactionR1
25[Skan]Eärcaraxë RousedResource FactionR1
26[Skan]Haradrim (M)Resource FactionU2
27[Skan]Itangast RousedResource FactionR1
28[Skan]Leucaruth RousedResource FactionR1
29[Skan]Morgul-orcsResource FactionR2
30[Skan]NuriagsResource FactionU3
31[Skan]Orcs of Dol GuldurResource FactionR2
32[Skan]Petty-dwarves (M)Resource FactionR2
33[Skan]Wain-easterlings (M)Resource FactionU2
34[Skan]Bow of the GaladhrimResource ItemU2
35[Skan]Jewel of BeleriandResource ItemC2
36[Skan]The Ithil-stoneResource ItemR1
37[Skan]Ancient Black AxeResource ItemR2
38[Skan]Dwarven Ring of Thélor's TribeResource ItemU2
39[Skan]Dwarven Ring of Thrár's TribeResource ItemU2
40[Skan]Goblin Earth-plumbResource ItemC2
41[Skan]Helm of FearResource ItemU2
42[Skan]Iron Shield of OldResource ItemC2
43[Skan]Necklace of GirionResource ItemR2
44[Skan]Old TreasureResource ItemC2
45[Skan]Records UnreadResource ItemC2
46[Skan]Secret BookResource ItemC2
47[Skan]Thong of FireResource ItemR2
48[Skan]Thrall-ringResource ItemR2
49[Skan]Thror's MapResource ItemU2
50[Skan]Troth-ringResource ItemR2
51[Skan]Usriev of TreacheryResource ItemC3
52[Skan]All the Bells RingingResource EventU3
53[Skan]Alliance of Free PeoplesResource EventR2
54[Skan]Biter and Beater!Resource EventC2
55[Skan]DrughuResource EventU3
56[Skan]Farmer MaggotResource EventR1
57[Skan]Glamour of Surpassing ExcellanceResource EventC3
58[Skan]Mount SlainResource EventR2
59[Skan]No Strangers at this TimeResource EventC3
60[Skan]Orc-mailResource EventR2
61[Skan]Power Against the ShadowResource EventC3
62[Skan]Safe from the ShadowResource EventC2
63[Skan]Spies FearedResource EventR2
64[Skan]The Sun UnveiledResource EventC3
65[Skan]Tower RaidedResource EventR2
66[Skan]Above the AbyssResource EventC3
67[Skan]Dark TrystResource EventC3
68[Skan]Driven as by a MadnessResource EventU3
69[Skan]Eye Never SleepingResource EventU3
70[Skan]Faithless StewardResource EventR2
71[Skan]Far Below the Deepest DelvingsResource EventU3
72[Skan]Hail of DartsResource EventR2
73[Skan]Hoard Well-searchedResource EventC2
74[Skan]Hold Rebuilt and RepairedResource EventC2
75[Skan]Hounds of SauronResource EventR2
76[Skan]Join With That PowerResource EventC3
77[Skan]Legendary StairResource EventC2
78[Skan]Orders from LugbúrzResource EventU3
79[Skan]Our Own WolvesResource EventR2
80[Skan]Padding FeetResource EventR2
81[Skan]Powers Too Dark and TerribleResource EventR2
82[Skan]Riven GateResource EventR2
83[Skan]Sack Over the HeadResource EventU3
84[Skan]SteedsResource EventR2
85[Skan]The Ash Mountain DeepsResource EventC2
86[Skan]The Dark PowerResource EventU3
87[Skan]The Great EyeResource EventR2
88[Skan]The Misty Mountain DeepsResource EventC2
89[Skan]The Mountains of Shadow DeepsResource EventC2
90[Skan]The Tormented EarthResource EventU3
91[Skan]The Undeeps of AnduinResource EventC2
92[Skan]The Under-roadsResource EventC2
93[Skan]The White Mountain Cavern-waysResource EventC2
94[Skan]Tokens to ShowResource EventC2
95[Skan]Treason the Greatest FoeResource EventR2
96[Skan]Tribute GarneredResource EventC2
97[Skan]Use Your LegsResource EventR2
98[Skan]Well-preservedResource EventU3
99[Skan]World Gnawed by the NamelessResource EventR2
100[Skan]Alatar the HunterHazard CreatureR2
101[Skan]Durin's FolkHazard CreatureC3
102[Skan]Dwarven TravelersHazard CreatureC3
103[Skan]GaladhrimHazard CreatureC2
104[Skan]Gandalf the White RiderHazard CreatureR2
105[Skan]Knights of the PrinceHazard CreatureR2
106[Skan]Lady of the Golden WoodHazard CreatureR2
107[Skan]Lord of the CarrockHazard CreatureR2
108[Skan]Lord of the HavenHazard CreatureR2
109[Skan]Master of the HouseHazard CreatureR2
110[Skan]Pallando the Soul-keeperHazard CreatureR2
111[Skan]Radagast the TamerHazard CreatureR2
112[Skan]Saruman the WiseHazard CreatureR2
113[Skan]Steward's GuardHazard CreatureC2
114[Skan]Stout Men of GondorHazard CreatureC3
115[Skan]Trolls from the MountainsHazard CreatureC2
116[Skan]A Lie in Your EyesHazard EventR2
117[Skan]Alone and UnadvisedHazard EventC3
118[Skan]Come at NeedHazard EventC2
119[Skan]Early HarvestHazard EventC2
120[Skan]Enchanted StreamHazard EventC3
121[Skan]Fealty Under TrialHazard EventC2
122[Skan]FEAR! FIRE! FOES!Hazard EventC3
123[Skan]Full of Froth and RageHazard EventC2
124[Skan]Near to Hear a WhisperHazard EventR2
125[Skan]One Foe to Breed a WarHazard EventR2
126[Skan]Pilfer Anything UnwatchedHazard EventU1
127[Skan]Power Built by WaitingHazard EventC3
128[Skan]Returned Beyond All HopeHazard EventC2
129[Skan]Ride Against the EnemyHazard EventC3
130[Skan]Short Legs Are SlowHazard EventU3
131[Skan]Slip TreacherouslyHazard EventC3
132[Skan]Summons from Long SleepHazard EventC2
133[Skan]Trouble on All BordersHazard EventC2
134[Skan]Turning Hope to DespairHazard EventC3
135[Skan]Unhappy BlowsHazard EventR2
136[Skan]Will ShakenHazard EventR2
137[Skan]Cirith GorgorSiteR2
138[Skan]Geann a-LischSiteU2
139[Skan]Gobel MírlondSiteU2
140[Skan]Nurniag CampSiteU2
142[Skan]The Worthy HillsSiteU2
143[Skan]Dancing SpireSiteU2
144[Skan]Eagles' EyrieSiteU2
147[Skan]Gold HillSiteU2
148[Skan]Grey HavensSiteR2
151[Skan]Isle of the UlondSiteU2
152[Skan]Isles of the Dead That LiveSiteU2
154[Skan]Old ForestSiteU2
155[Skan]Ovir HollowSiteU2
158[Skan]The Gem-deepsSiteR2
159[Skan]The Iron-deepsSiteU2
160[Skan]The Pukel-deepsSiteR2
161[Skan]The Sulfur-deepsSiteU2
162[Skan]The Under-courtsSiteU2
163[Skan]The Under-galleriesSiteU2
164[Skan]The Under-gatesSiteU2
165[Skan]The Under-grottosSiteU2
166[Skan]The Under-leasSiteU2
167[Skan]The Under-vaultsSiteU2

Cards: 170

Rarity distribution
Type distribution
Hazard Creature16
Hazard Event21
Resource Ally6
Resource Event48
Resource Faction21
Resource Item18