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Legend of the Five Rings -> Cardlists -> Time of the Void

Available cardlists:
Promo Pre-GoldPath of Hope
Promo GoldDrums of War
Promo Gold & DiamondThe Training Grounds II
Promo DiamondTest of Enlightenment
Promo Diamond & LotusRise of the Shogun
Promo LotusKhan's Defiance
Promo Lotus & SamuraiTomorrow
Promo SamuraiThe Truest Test
Promo Samurai & CelestialSamurai Edition
Promo CelestialStronger Than Steel
PromoThe Emerald and Jade Champions
Pre-ImperialHonor's Veil
Imperial EditionSamurai Edition: Banzai
ShadowlandsUltimate Clan Packs
Emerald EditionWords and Deeds
Forbidden KnowledgeThe Heaven's Will
The Battle of Beiden PassThe Imperial Gift, Part 1
Anvil of DespairGlory of the Empire
Crimson and JadeDeath at Koten
Obsidian EditionCelestial Edition
Time of the VoidCelestial Edition 15th Anniversary
Scorpion Clan CoupThe Imperial Gift, Part 2
Jade EditionPath of the Destroyer
Hidden EmperorThe Harbinger
Pearl EditionThe Plague War
Siege of Sleeping MountainThe Imperial Gift, Part 3
Honor BoundBattle of Kyuden Tonbo
Ambitions DebtEmpire at War
Fire and ShadowThe Dead of Winter
Heroes of RokuganBefore the Dawn
Storms Over Matsu PalaceWar of Honor
Soul of The EmpireForgotten Legacy
Spirit WarsSecond City
Learn to PlayEmperor Edition
Gold EditionEmbers of War
A Perfect CutThe Shadow's Embrace
An Onis FurySeeds of Decay
Dark AlliesHonor and Treachery
The L5R ExperienceEmperor Edition: Gempukku
Broken BladesTorn Asunder
1000 Years of DarknessCoils of Madness
The Fall of Otosa UchiGates of Chaos
Heaven and EarthAftermath
Winds of ChangeA Matter of Honor
Diamond EditionIvory Edition
The Training GroundsThe Coming Storm
Reign of BloodA Line in the Sand
Hidden CitySiege: Heart of Darkness
Wrath of the EmperorThe New Order
Dawn of the EmpireThe Currency of War
Web of LiesTwenty Festivals
Enemy of My EnemyThunderous Acclaim
Code of BushidoSiege: Clan War
Lotus EditionEvil Portents

Edition: Time of the Void

Available languages (1):

ScanName TypeFactionRarity
[Skan]A Good Day To DieActionU1
[Skan]A Moment of ClarityActionU1
[Skan]A Moment of TruthActionR
[Skan]A Soul of ThunderEventU
[Skan]A Test of CourageActionC1
[Skan]Agasha GennaiPersonalityDragonC
[Skan]Agasha TunnelsRegionC1
[Skan]Akiyoshi (Experienced)PersonalityToturi's ArmyU1
[Skan]Akodo Tactical SchoolHoldingR1
[Skan]An ExhibitionActionC1
[Skan]Ancestral Standard of the ScorpionItemR1
[Skan]Ancient Armor of the QamarItemR1
[Skan]As Far as the Eye Can SeeRegionR1
[Skan]Asako IshioPersonalityPhoenixU
[Skan]Asako TogamaPersonalityPhoenixC1
[Skan]Battle Standard of ShinseiItemR1
[Skan]Battle Standard of the MantisItemR1
[Skan]Battle Standard of the NagaItemR1
[Skan]Bayushi Goshiu (Experienced)PersonalityScorpionR
[Skan]Bayushi Hisa (Experienced)PersonalityScorpionU
[Skan]Bayushi Kachiko (Experienced 2)PersonalityScorpionR1
[Skan]Bayushi MarumoPersonalityScorpionC
[Skan]Bend Like A ReedActionC1
[Skan]Block Supply LinesActionF
[Skan]Bonds of DarknessEventR1
[Skan]Break MoraleActionF
[Skan]Brilliant VictoryActionF
[brak obrazka]Burning Your EssenceActionR1
[Skan]Careful PlanningActionF
[Skan]Chi StrikeActionR
[Skan]Concealed WeaponActionR1
[Skan]Contentious TerrainActionF
[Skan]Contested GroundActionC1
[Skan]Coordinated FireActionC1
[Skan]Copper MineHoldingF
[Skan]Corrupt Geisha HouseHoldingC
[Skan]Corrupt Gold MineHoldingC
[Skan]Corrupt StablesHoldingC
[Skan]Corrupted RegionRegionC1
[Skan]Corrupted Silver MineHoldingF
[Skan]Counting the LostActionU1
[Skan]Crystal GateHoldingC
[Skan]Crystal KatanaItemFixed
[Skan]Curse of the JackalSpellC
[Skan]Dark Lord's FavorActionC1
[Skan]Dashmar (Experienced)PersonalityNagaU1
[Skan]Deadly GroundActionF
[Skan]Depth of the VoidSpellU1
[Skan]Destiny Has No SecretsActionC1
[Skan]Dispersive TerrainActionF
[Skan]Distractions of the FleshActionC1
[Skan]Doji ChomeiPersonalityCrane / MantisC
[Skan]Doji Hoturi (Experienced 2)PersonalityCraneR1
[Skan]Doji Kuwanan (Experienced)PersonalityCraneU
[Skan]Doji ShizuePersonalityCraneC1
[Skan]Doji Yosai (Experienced)PersonalityCraneR
[Skan]Elite Heavy InfantryFollowerU
[Skan]Elite Light InfantryFollowerC1
[Skan]Elite Medium InfantryFollowerC1
[Skan]Encircled TerrainActionF
[Skan]Enlightened RulerEventR1
[Skan]Entrapping TerrainActionF
[Skan]Essence of AirSpellU1
[Skan]Essence of EarthSpellU1
[Skan]Familiar SurroundingsActionC1
[Skan]Fatal MistakeActionR1
[Skan]Festival of Long SticksEventR1
[Skan]Final StandActionR
[Skan]Fist of the EarthKihoF
[Skan]Flight of DovesSpellU1
[Skan]Flying CarpetItemR1
[Skan]For the EmpireActionU1
[Skan]Gaijin MerchantFollowerU
[Skan]GekkaiPersonalityBrotherhood of ShinseiU1
[Skan]Gift of the WindKihoF
[Skan]Goblin MadcapsFollowerC1
[Skan]Goblin SneaksFollowerC1
[Skan]Goblin War StandardItemC
[Skan]Goblin WizardPersonalityShadowlandsC1
[Skan]Gold MineHoldingF
[Skan]HarimaPersonalityBrotherhood of ShinseiU1
[Skan]Hawks and FalconsHoldingF
[Skan]Heavy Mounted InfantryFollowerU
[Skan]Hida Amoro (Experienced)PersonalityCrab / ShadowlandsU1
[Skan]Hida O-Ushi (Experienced)PersonalityCrabR
[Skan]Hida TadashiroPersonalityCrabC
[Skan]Hida TampakoPersonalityCrabF
[Skan]Hida TsuruPersonalityCrabF
[Skan]Hida UnariPersonalityCrabF
[Skan]Hida War CollegeHoldingR1
[Skan]Hida Yakamo (Experienced 2)PersonalityCrabF
[Skan]Hiruma KagePersonalityCrabF
[Skan]Hiruma YoshiPersonalityCrabF
[Skan]HizukaPersonalityBrotherhood of ShinseiC
[Skan]Honorable SeppukuActionF
[Skan]Horde of Fu LengFollowerC1
[Skan]I Believed in YouActionC1
[Skan]Iaijutsu ChallengeActionF
[brak obrazka]Iaijutsu DuelActionU1
[Skan]Ikoma Tsanuri (Experienced)PersonalityLionR1
[Skan]In Time of WarEventU
[Skan]Iron MineHoldingF
[Skan]Isawa SumaPersonalityPhoenixC
[Skan]Isawa Tadaka (Experienced 2)PersonalityPhoenix / ShadowlandsF
[Skan]Isawa TomoPersonalityPhoenixF
[Skan]Isawa UonaPersonalityPhoenixF
[Skan]Isawa Uona (Experienced 2)PersonalityPhoenix / ShadowlandsU1
[Skan]Isha (Experienced)PersonalityNagaR
[Skan]Iuchi Karasu (Experienced)PersonalityUnicornU
[Skan]Izaku LibraryHoldingC
[Skan]Jade BowItemFixed
[Skan]Jade DragonPersonalityUnalignedR
[Skan]Jade WorksHoldingF
[Skan]Jiujutsu DuelStrategyU1
[Skan]Junzo's Battle StandardItemR1
[Skan]Kage (Experienced 2)PersonalityUnalignedR1
[Skan]Kakita Kenjutsu SchoolHoldingR1
[Skan]Kakita Yoshi (Experienced)PersonalityCraneU1
[Skan]Kappuksu (Experienced)PersonalityShadowlandsU
[Skan]Kitsu OkuraPersonalityLionC1
[Skan]Kitsu Toju (Experienced)PersonalityLionU1
[Skan]Know the SchoolActionC1
[Skan]Kolat SpyActionC1
[Skan]KomaroPersonalityBrotherhood of ShinseiC1
[Skan]Kuni SensinPersonalityCrabC1
[Skan]Kuni YoriPersonalityCrabF
[Skan]Lady KitsunePersonalityUnalignedC1
[Skan]Legions of Fu LengSpellC
[Skan]Lessons from the PastActionC1
[Skan]Light CavalryFollowerF
[Skan]Light InfantryFollowerF
[Skan]Light Mounted InfantryFollowerC1
[Skan]Market PlaceHoldingF
[Skan]Master of the Rolling RiverKihoF
[Skan]Master SmithHoldingF
[Skan]Matsu Agetoki (Experienced)PersonalityLionR
[Skan]Matsu Gohei (Experienced)PersonalityLionU
[brak obrazka]Matsu Hiroru (Experienced)PersonalityNinja / Toturi's ArmyR1
[Skan]Matsu TuriPersonalityLionC
[brak obrazka]Medium CavalryFollowerF
[Skan]Medium InfantryFollowerF
[Skan]Mighty ProtectionSpellR1
[Skan]Mikio (Experienced)PersonalityToturi's ArmyU1
[Skan]Mirumoto Hitomi (Experienced 2)PersonalityDragonR1
[Skan]Mirumoto YukihiraPersonalityDragonU
[Skan]Moshi WakizaPersonalityUnalignedF
[brak obrazka]Moshi Wakiza (Experienced)PersonalityMantisU1
[Skan]Mounted SpearmenFollowerC1
[Skan]Mujina ChieftainPersonalityUnalignedC1
[Skan]Mujina MinersHoldingU1
[Skan]Mystical TerrainSpellC
[Skan]Naga BushiFollowerF
[Skan]Necromancer (Experienced)PersonalityShadowlandsR
[Skan]Ninja StalkersFollowerU
[Skan]Nogoten's BowItemU
[Skan]Not this Day!EventF
[Skan]Oath of FealtyActionF
[Skan]Obsidian BladeItemC
[Skan]Occupied TerrainActionF
[Skan]Offer of FealtyActionC1
[Skan]One With the ElementsKihoC1
[Skan]Oni no IanwaPersonalityShadowlandsR1
[Skan]Oni no PekklePersonalityShadowlandsC1
[Skan]Oni no TadakaPersonalitiesPhoenix / ShadowlandsF
[Skan]Oni no UguluPersonalityShadowlandsC1
[brak obrazka]Oracle of the VoidHoldingR1
[brak obrazka]Otaku Kamoko (Experienced 2)PersonalityUnicornR1
[Skan]Pitch and FireHoldingF
[Skan]Plans Within PlansActionU1
[brak obrazka]Qamar (Experienced)PersonalityNagaR1
[Skan]Radakast (Experienced)PersonalityNagaU
[Skan]Rally TroopsActionF
[Skan]Rallying CryActionF
[Skan]Rebuilding the Kaiu WallsEventU
[Skan]Regions of RokuganEventU1
[brak obrazka]Remorseful SeppukuActionF
[Skan]Rest, My BrotherKihoU
[Skan]River DeltaRegionU1
[Skan]Ruins of the Isawa LibraryHoldingR1
[Skan]Ryokan's SwordItemC
[Skan]Salute of the SamuraiActionR1
[Skan]Sanctified GroundRegionC1
[Skan]Sanctified TempleHoldingF
[Skan]Seikua (Experienced)PersonalityBrotherhood of ShinseiR
[Skan]Shahadet's LegionFollowerR
[Skan]Shiba ShingoPersonalityPhoenixF
[Skan]Shiba TetsuPersonalityPhoenixF
[Skan]Shiba TsukunePersonalityPhoenixF
[Skan]Shiba Tsukune (Experienced)PersonalityPhoenixR1
[Skan]Shinjo Hanari (Experienced)PersonalityUnicornR
[Skan]Shinjo Riding StablesHoldingR1
[Skan]Shinjo SanetamaPersonalityUnicornC
[Skan]Shinjo ShirasuPersonalityUnicornC1
[Skan]Shinjo Yasamura (Experienced)PersonalityUnicornU1
[Skan]Shiryo no AsahinaAncestorCraneR
[Skan]Shiryo no AsakoAncestorPhoenixR
[Skan]Shiryo no IdeAncestorUnicornR
[Skan]Shiryo no IkomaAncestorLionR
[Skan]Shiryo no KaiuAncestorCrabR
[Skan]Shiryo no MirumotoAncestorDragonR
[Skan]Shiryo no YogoAncestorScorpionR
[Skan]Shiryo no YoritomoAncestorMantisR
[Skan]Shosuro Hametsu (Experienced)PersonalityScorpionU1
[Skan]Shuriken of SerpentsItemF
[Skan]Silver MineHoldingF
[Skan]Small FarmHoldingF
[Skan]Stance of the MountainActionC1
[Skan]Strength of My AncestorsKihoF
[Skan]Strength of Osano-WoSpellC
[Skan]Strength of the Dark OneSpellU1
[Skan]Strike Without StrikingActionU1
[Skan]Superior TacticsActionF
[Skan]Swamp GoblinsFollowerC1
[Skan]Teeth of the SerpentEventU
[Skan]The 12th Black ScrollItemR1
[Skan]The Ancestral Home of the Lion (story back)StrongholdLionU1
[Skan]The Brotherhood of Shinsei (story back)StrongholdBrotherhood of ShinseiU1
[Skan]The Darkest MagicsEventR1
[Skan]The Esteemed House of the CraneStrongholdCraneU1
[brak obrazka]The Great Walls of KaiuStrongholdCrabBox
[Skan]The Heavy Shadow of FearEventU1
[Skan]The Hero's TriumphEventU
[Skan]The Hidden Heart of IuchibanHoldingR1
[Skan]The Hidden Temples of the Naga (story back)StrongholdNagaU1
[Skan]The Light of AmaterasuSpellC
[Skan]The Longest NightEventR1
[Skan]The Mountain Keep of the Dragon (story back)StrongholdDragonU1
[Skan]The Path of WisdomActionR
[Skan]The Phoenix is RebornSpellU1
[Skan]The Plains of AmaterasuRegionU1
[Skan]The Provincial Estate of the Unicorn (story back)StrongholdUnicornU1
[Skan]The Ruined Fortress of the Scorpion (story back)StrongholdScorpionU1
[brak obrazka]The Ruins of Isawa CastleStrongholdPhoenixBox
[Skan]The Sacred Temple of the PhoenixStrongholdPhoenixU1
[Skan]The Scorpion's StingActionR1
[Skan]The Sight of DeathKihoU
[Skan]The Time is NowActionU1
[Skan]The Touch of AmaterasuKihoU
[Skan]The Twelve RoninFollowerR
[Skan]The War Fortress of the Crab (story back)StrongholdCrabU1
[Skan]The Wrath of Osano-WoKihoF
[Skan]The Yoritomo Alliance (story back)StrongholdMantisU1
[Skan]To Save an EmpireEventR1
[Skan]Today We DieActionR1
[Skan]Togashi KamaPersonalityDragonC1
[Skan]Togashi Testing GroundHoldingR1
[Skan]Togashi Yokuni (Experienced 2)PersonalityDragonR
[Skan]Togashi Yoshi (Experienced)PersonalityDragonU1
[Skan]Toku (Experienced)PersonalityToturi's ArmyU
[Skan]Toturi (Experienced 2)PersonalityToturi's ArmyR1
[Skan]Toturi's ArmyStrongholdToturi's ArmyU1
[Skan]Toturi's Battle StandardItemR1
[Skan]Toturi's Last StandEventR1
[Skan]Toturi's TacticsActionR1
[Skan]Traversable TerrainActionF
[Skan]Troops from the WoodsActionC1
[Skan]Unscalable WallsHoldingF
[Skan]Warrior MonksFollowerU
[Skan]Wisdom the Wind BringsKihoF
[Skan]Yasuki Taka (Experienced)PersonalityCrabU
[Skan]Yodin (Experienced)PersonalityBrotherhood of ShinseiR1
[Skan]Yogo Junzo's ArmyStrongholdShadowlandsU1
[Skan]Yogo OshioPersonalityScorpionC1
[Skan]Yoritomo (Experienced)PersonalityMantisR1
[Skan]Yoritomo's ArmorItemR1
[Skan]Yotsu SeikiPersonalityUnalignedF
[Skan]Your Last MistakeActionU1

Cards: 305

Rarity distribution
Type distribution
Faction distribution
Brotherhood of Shinsei7
Crab / Shadowlands1
Crane / Mantis1
Ninja / Toturi's Army1
Phoenix / Shadowlands3
Toturi's Army5