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Legend of the Five Rings -> Cardlists -> The Emerald and Jade Champions

Available cardlists:
Promo Pre-GoldPath of Hope
Promo GoldDrums of War
Promo Gold & DiamondThe Training Grounds II
Promo DiamondTest of Enlightenment
Promo Diamond & LotusRise of the Shogun
Promo LotusKhan's Defiance
Promo Lotus & SamuraiTomorrow
Promo SamuraiThe Truest Test
Promo Samurai & CelestialSamurai Edition
Promo CelestialStronger Than Steel
PromoThe Emerald and Jade Champions
Pre-ImperialHonor's Veil
Imperial EditionSamurai Edition: Banzai
ShadowlandsUltimate Clan Packs
Emerald EditionWords and Deeds
Forbidden KnowledgeThe Heaven's Will
The Battle of Beiden PassThe Imperial Gift, Part 1
Anvil of DespairGlory of the Empire
Crimson and JadeDeath at Koten
Obsidian EditionCelestial Edition
Time of the VoidCelestial Edition 15th Anniversary
Scorpion Clan CoupThe Imperial Gift, Part 2
Jade EditionPath of the Destroyer
Hidden EmperorThe Harbinger
Pearl EditionThe Plague War
Siege of Sleeping MountainThe Imperial Gift, Part 3
Honor BoundBattle of Kyuden Tonbo
Ambitions DebtEmpire at War
Fire and ShadowThe Dead of Winter
Heroes of RokuganBefore the Dawn
Storms Over Matsu PalaceWar of Honor
Soul of The EmpireForgotten Legacy
Spirit WarsSecond City
Learn to PlayEmperor Edition
Gold EditionEmbers of War
A Perfect CutThe Shadow's Embrace
An Onis FurySeeds of Decay
Dark AlliesHonor and Treachery
The L5R ExperienceEmperor Edition: Gempukku
Broken BladesTorn Asunder
1000 Years of DarknessCoils of Madness
The Fall of Otosa UchiGates of Chaos
Heaven and EarthAftermath
Winds of ChangeA Matter of Honor
Diamond EditionIvory Edition
The Training GroundsThe Coming Storm
Reign of BloodA Line in the Sand
Hidden CitySiege: Heart of Darkness
Wrath of the EmperorThe New Order
Dawn of the EmpireThe Currency of War
Web of LiesTwenty Festivals
Enemy of My EnemyThunderous Acclaim
Code of BushidoSiege: Clan War
Lotus EditionEvil Portents

Edition: The Emerald and Jade Champions

Available languages (1):

Nr ScanNameTypeFactionRarity
2[Skan]Magistrate StationHoldingF
3[Skan]The MikadoHoldingF
4[Skan]Hida HarukoPersonalityCrabF
5[Skan]Hida Sozen (Experienced 2)PersonalityCrabF
6[Skan]Hida Yagimaki (Experienced)PersonalityCrabF
7[Skan]Hiruma Todori (Experienced 2)PersonalityCrabF
8[Skan]Doji ToyoakiPersonalityCraneF
9[Skan]Doji Yasuyo (Experienced 3)PersonalityCraneF
10[Skan]Kakita Noritoshi (Experienced 2)PersonalityCraneF
11[Skan]Kitsuki Iweko (Experienced)PersonalityDragonF
12[Skan]Mirumoto AgitoPersonalityDragonF
13[Skan]Mirumoto Narumi (Experienced)PersonalityDragonF
14[Skan]Ikoma Otemi (Experienced 3)PersonalityLionF
15[Skan]Matsu Robun (Experienced)PersonalityLionF
16[Skan]Matsu YoshifumiPersonalityLionF
17[Skan]Tsuruchi Etsui (Experienced 2)PersonalityMantisF
18[Skan]Tsuruchi Kaya (Experienced)PersonalityMantisF
19[Skan]Tsuruchi Ki (Experienced)PersonalityMantisF
20[Skan]Yoritomo KazumaPersonalityMantisF
21[Skan]Isawa KokutenPersonalityPhoenixF
22[Skan]Shiba Danjuro (Experienced 2)PersonalityPhoenixF
23[Skan]Shiba Yoma (Experienced 3)PersonalityPhoenixF
24[Skan]Bayushi ArashiiPersonalityScorpionF
25[Skan]Bayushi Norachai (Experienced 2)PersonalityScorpionF
26[Skan]Shosuro Jimen (Experienced)PersonalityScorpionF
27[Skan]Daigotsu KanpekiHoldingF
28[Skan]Daigotsu Eiya (Experienced)PersonalitySpiderF
29[Skan]Daigotsu SachioPersonalitySpiderF
30[Skan]The KhanHoldingF
31[Skan]Akasha (Experienced 2)PersonalityUnicornF
32[Skan]Moto HoteiPersonalityUnicornF
33[Skan]Utagawa (Experienced)PersonalityF
34[Skan]Brisk EconomyActionF
35[Skan]Caught in the ActActionF
36[Skan]Death at the MikadoActionF
37[Skan]Kabuki ShowActionF
38[Skan]Test of EtiquetteActionF
39[Skan]Test of InvestigationActionF
40[Skan]Test of LawActionF
41[Skan]Test of LeadershipActionF
42[Skan]Test of Martial AbilityActionF
43[Skan]Test of ResourcesActionF
44[Skan]The Saga of TakiActionF
45[Skan]Unauthorized DuelActionF
46[Skan]Wheels within WheelsActionF
47[Skan]Emerald Champion's MempoItemF
48[Skan]Mikado InvitationItemF
49[Skan]Night Silk PoisonItemF
50[Skan]Ribbon of SuccessItemF
51[Skan]Miya's MercySpellF
52[Skan]The Kami's JusticeSpellF

Cards: 52

Type distribution
Faction distribution