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Lord of the Rings -> Cardlists -> Promo

Available cardlists:
League PromoMount Doom
PromoThe Return of the King Anthology
Fellowship of the RingBlack Rider
Mines of MoriaBloodlines
Realms of the Elf LordsWar of the Ring Anthology
The Two TowersExpanded Middle-earth
Battle of Helm's DeepThe Hunters
Ents of FangornThe Wraith Collection
The Fellowship of the Ring AnthologyRise of Saruman
The Return of the KingTreachery & Deceit
The Two Towers AnthologyAges End
Siege of Gondor

Edition: Promo

Available languages (12):

Nr ScanNameTypeCultureRarity
103[Skan]Úlairë Otsëa, Zwarte SchimMinionWraithP

Cards: 1