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Middle Earth -> Cardlists -> Promo

Available cardlists:
PromoLidless Eye
ReprintsAgainst the Shadow
The Wizards (limited)The White Hand
The Wizards (unlimited)Challenge Decks
The DragonsThe Balrog
Dark Minions

Edition: Promo

Available languages (6):

NrScanNameType RaceRarity
5[Skan]Bill FernyCharacterP
9[Skan]Fatty BolgerCharacterP
15[Skan]Neeker-breekersHazard CreatureP
2[Skan]Angmar ArisesHazard EventP
11[Skan]Fury of the Iron CrownHazard EventP
13[Skan]Ireful FlamesHazard EventP
16[Skan]Never Seen HimHazard EventP
18[Skan]StormcrowHazard EventP
14[Skan]More Alert than MostResource EventP
6[Skan]Black ArrowResource ItemP
7[Skan]Deadly DartResource ItemP
20[Skan]The ArkenstoneResource ItemP
21[Skan]The Iron CrownResource ItemP

Cards: 13

Type distribution
Hazard Creature1
Hazard Event5
Resource Event1
Resource Item4