Nr | Scan | Name | Name (org) | Type | Culture | Rarity |
1 | | Spinti Dalla Rabbia | Bound By Rage | Condition | Dunland | C |
2 | | Anziano Dunlandiano | Dunlending Elder | Minion | Dunland | C |
3 | | Fanti Dunlandiani | Dunlending Footmen | Minion | Dunland | C |
4 | | Capo Dunlandiano | Dunlending Headman | Minion | Dunland | C |
5 | | Retroguardia Dunlandiana | Dunlending Reserve | Minion | Dunland | C |
6 | | Clan della Collina | Hill Clan | Minion | Dunland | R |
7 | | Pronti a Cadere | Ready to Fall | Condition | Dunland | R |
8 | | Questi Contadini Sono Sopravvissuti Troppo a Lungo | Too Long Have These Peasants Stood | Event | Dunland | U |
9 | | Dacci Il Tuo Aiuto | Lend Us Your Aid | Event | Dwarven | U |
10 | | Palazzi Sospesi | Suspended Palaces | Condition | Dwarven | C |
11 | | Lanciami | Toss Me | Event | Dwarven | R |
12 | | Agilità | Agility | Condition | Elven | C |
13 | | Arwen, Stella del Vespro del Suo Popolo | Arwen, Evenstar of Her People | Companion | Elven | U |
14 | | Stendardo di Elbereth | Banner of Elbereth | Possession | Elven | U |
15 | | Elrond, Custode di Vilya | Elrond, Keeper of Vilya | Ally | Elven | R |
16 | | Mezzo Salvato | Forearmed | Event | Elven | U |
17 | | Mezzo Avvisato | Forewarned | Condition | Elven | C |
18 | | Galadriel, Custode di Nenya | Galadriel, Keeper of Nenya | Ally | Elven | R |
19 | | Dono della Preveggenza | Gift of Foresight | Event | Elven | U |
20 | | Deve Essere Un Sogno | Must Be a Dream | Event | Elven | U |
21 | | Arco Lungo del Naith | Naith Longbow | Possession | Elven | C |
22 | | Truppa del Naith | Naith Troop | Companion | Elven | U |
23 | | Compagnia del Naith | Naith Warband | Companion | Elven | R |
24 | | Tuoni e Boati | Boomed and Trumpeted | Event | Gandalf | U |
25 | | Ridurre in Macerie | Crack Into Rubble | Event | Gandalf | U |
26 | | Furiosi | Enraged | Condition | Gandalf | R |
27 | | Ent Vendicatore | Ent Avenger | Companion | Gandalf | C |
28 | | Ordia di Ent | Ent Horde | Companion | Gandalf | R |
29 | | Entaconsulta | Ent Moot | Condition | Gandalf | C |
30 | | Gandalf, Mithrandir | Gandalf, Mithrandir | Companion | Gandalf | R |
31 | | Glamdring, Spada Lucente | Glamdring, Lightning Brand | Possession | Gandalf | R |
32 | | Schiera di Fangorn | Host of Fangorn | Companion | Gandalf | U |
33 | | Sveltolampo, Bregalad | Quickbeam, Bregalad | Companion | Gandalf | C |
34 | | Destati | Roused | Event | Gandalf | C |
35 | | Scorzapelle, Fladrif | Skinbark, Fladrif | Companion | Gandalf | R |
36 | | Scaraventai Giù il Mio Nemico | Threw Down My Enemy | Event | Gandalf | U |
37 | | Barbalbero, Guardiano della Foresta | Treebeard, Guardian of the Forest | Companion | Gandalf | C |
38 | | Non Seguite le Luci | Don't Follow the Lights | Event | Gollum | C |
39 | | Non Guardarli | Don't Look at Them | Condition | Gollum | R |
40 | | Gollum, Vecchio Farabutto | Gollum, Old Villain | Minion | Gollum | C |
41 | | Il Padrone ha Rotto la Sua Promessa | Master Broke His Promise | Event | Gollum | R |
42 | | Cattivi, Bugiardi Hobbit | Nasty, Foul Hobbitses | Event | Gollum | C |
43 | | Non Ascoltare | Not Listening | Event | Gollum | C |
44 | | Sentieri Sicuri | Safe Paths | Event | Gollum | R |
45 | | Smeagol, Povera Creatura | Smeagol, Poor Creature | Companion | Gollum | C |
46 | | L'Hanno Rubato | They Stole It | Condition | Gollum | R |
47 | | Sei un Bugiardo e un Ladro | You're a Liar and a Thief | Event | Gollum | C |
48 | | Anborn, Abile Cacciatore | Anborn, Skilled Huntsman | Companion | Gondor | C |
49 | | Antiche Strade | Ancient Roads | Condition | Gondor | R |
50 | | Aragorn, Difensore dei Popoli Liberi | Aragorn, Defender of Free Peoples | Companion | Gondor | R |
51 | | Stendardo dell'Ovesturia | Banner of Westernesse | Possession | Gondor | U |
52 | | Guarnigione di Osgiliath | Garrison of Osgiliath | Condition | Gondor | C |
53 | | Uomini Mortali | Mortal Men | Event | Gondor | C |
54 | | Pericolose Avventure | Perilous Ventures | Event | Gondor | U |
55 | | Anello di Barahir | Ring of Barahir | Artifact | Gondor | R |
56 | | Fiducia | Trust | Event | Gondor | C |
57 | | Agenti di Orthanc | Agents of Orthanc | Minion | Isengard | R |
58 | | Scala d'Assedio | Assault Ladder | Condition | Isengard | U |
59 | | Stendardo di Isengard | Banner of Isengard | Possession | Isengard | C |
60 | | Berserker Macellaio | Berserk Butcher | Minion | Isengard | R |
61 | | Diserzione | Desertion | Condition | Isengard | U |
62 | | Vampate di Fuoco e Fetidi Fumi | Fires and Foul Fumes | Event | Isengard | R |
63 | | Corrodere, Mordere, Fare a Pezzi, Bruciare | Gnawing, Biting, Hacking, Burning | Condition | Isengard | U |
64 | | Pugno d'Acciaio dell'Orco | Iron Fist of the Orc | Condition | Isengard | U |
65 | | Artigiano di Isengard | Isengard Artisan | Minion | Isengard | C |
66 | | Costruttore di Isengard | Isengard Builder | Minion | Isengard | U |
67 | | Apprendista di Isengard | Isengard Journeyman | Minion | Isengard | C |
68 | | Meccanici di Isengard | Isengard Mechanics | Minion | Isengard | R |
69 | | Scorta di Isengard | Isengard Plodder | Minion | Isengard | C |
70 | | Assistente di Isengard | Isengard Tender | Minion | Isengard | U |
71 | | Riparatore di Isengard | Isengard Tinker | Minion | Isengard | C |
72 | | Traditore dei Rohirrim | Rohirrim Traitor | Minion | Isengard | C |
73 | | Impalcatura | Scaffolding | Possession | Isengard | U |
74 | | Sharku, Vile Predone | Sharku, Vile Marauder | Minion | Isengard | R |
75 | | Racconti Contorti | Twisted Tales | Condition | Isengard | U |
76 | | Il Balrog, Terrore di Fiamme ed Ombra | The Balrog, Terror of Flame and Shadow | Minion | Moria | R |
77 | | Torre di Durin | Durin's Tower | Condition | Moria | R |
78 | | Esercito Esterling | Easterling Army | Minion | Raider | R |
79 | | Lancia Esterling | Easterling Polearm | Possession | Raider | U |
80 | | Legione di Arcieri Sudroni | Southron Archer Legion | Minion | Raider | R |
81 | | Invasori Sudroni | Southron Invaders | Minion | Raider | C |
82 | | Travolgere | Trample | Event | Raider | R |
83 | | Orrida Bestia | Fell Beast | Possession | Ringwraith | U |
84 | | Spiati dall'Alto | Spied From Above | Condition | Ringwraith | U |
85 | | Spada di Dol Guldur | Sword of Dol Guldur | Possession | Ringwraith | R |
86 | | Ülairë Lemenya, Cacciatore Alato | Ulaire Lemenya, Winged Hunter | Minion | Ringwraith | U |
87 | | Ülairë Nertëa, Cacciatore Alato | Ulaire Nertea, Winged Hunter | Minion | Ringwraith | U |
88 | | Ülairë Toldëa, Sentinella Alata | Ulaire Toldea, Winged Sentry | Minion | Ringwraith | R |
89 | | Alata e Immonda | Winged and Ominous | Condition | Ringwraith | R |
90 | | Stendardo del Mark | Banner of the Mark | Possession | Rohan | U |
91 | | Il Sangue è Stato Versato | Blood Has Been Spilled | Condition | Rohan | U |
92 | | Éomer, Capitano Rohirrim | Eomer, Rohirrim Captain | Companion | Rohan | R |
93 | | Sempre la Speranza degli Uomini | Ever the Hope of Men | Event | Rohan | U |
94 | | Háma, Guardiaporta di Théoden | Hama, Doorward of Theoden | Companion | Rohan | R |
95 | | Hrethel, Cavaliere di Rohan | Hrethel, Rider of Rohan | Companion | Rohan | C |
96 | | Notizie dal Mark | News From the Mark | Event | Rohan | R |
97 | | Non Abbiamo Lasciato Vivo Nessuno | We Left None Alive | Condition | Rohan | C |
98 | | Stendardo dell'Occhio | Banner of the Eye | Possession | Sauron | C |
99 | | Luci dei Cadaveri | Corpse Lights | Minion | Sauron | C |
100 | | I Morti | Dead Ones | Minion | Sauron | C |
101 | | Picchetto del Cancello | Gate Picket | Minion | Sauron | R |
102 | | Sentinella del Cancello | Gate Sentry | Minion | Sauron | C |
103 | | Troll del Cancello | Gate Troll | Minion | Sauron | R |
104 | | Orco Ribelle | Orc Insurgent | Minion | Sauron | U |
105 | | Pericolo | Peril | Condition | Sauron | U |
106 | | Troll di Udûn | Troll of Udun | Minion | Sauron | R |
107 | | Catena del Troll | Troll's Chain | Possession | Sauron | U |
108 | | Barlume Pallido | Wisp of Pale Sheen | Minion | Sauron | C |
109 | | Prigioniero | Held | Condition | Shire | R |
110 | | Ci Brucia | It Burns Us | Event | Shire | U |
111 | | Tenuto al Sicuro | Kept Safe | Condition | Shire | C |
112 | | Grande e Lenta Collera | Long Slow Wrath | Event | Shire | C |
113 | | Merry, Hobbit Impaziente | Merry, Impatient Hobbit | Companion | Shire | R |
114 | | Pippin, Il Più Frettoloso di Tutti | Pippin, Hastiest of All | Companion | Shire | R |
115 | | Rocce dell'Emyn Muil | Rocks of Emyn Muil | Site | | U |
116 | | Ovestfalda | Westfold | Site | | U |
117 | | Meduseld | Meduseld | Site | | U |
118 | | Sala del Trombatorrione | Hornburg Hall | Site | | U |
119 | | Valle di Saruman | Valley of Saruman | Site | | U |
120 | | Laboratorio di Saruman | Saruman's Laboratory | Site | | U |
121 | | Faramir, Ramingo dell'Ithilien | Faramir, Ithilien Ranger | Companion | Gondor | P |
122 | | Il Re Stregone, Sire Immortale | The Witch-king, Deathless Lord | Minion | Ringwraith | P |
123 | | Furiosi (AI) | Enraged | Condition | Gandalf | R |
124 | | Scorzapelle, Fladrif (AI) | Skinbark, Fladrif | Companion | Gandalf | R |
125 | | Non Guardarli (AI) | Don't Look at Them | Condition | Gollum | R |
126 | | Antiche Strade (AI) | Ancient Roads | Condition | Gondor | R |
127 | | Meccanici di Isengard (AI) | Isengard Mechanics | Minion | Isengard | R |
128 | | Troll del Cancello (AI) | Gate Troll | Minion | Sauron | R |