Card: Vessilli al Vento
Name | Vessilli al Vento (Banners Blowing) |
Game | Lord of the Rings |
Set | Bloodlines |
Subset | TF |
Rarity | P |
Foil | FOIL |
Card Text | You may remove from the game 4 other cards in your discard pile to play this event from your discard pile. Then remove this event from the game.
Make your Man strength +3. |
Flavor Text | And so... with less than six thousands... the Captains of the West came at last to challenge the Black Gate... |
Number | 2/194 |
Collector number | 13TF2 |
Language | Italian |
Notes | Skirmish |
Type | Event |
Culture | Gondor |
Cost | 2 |
Side | Fellowship |
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