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Card: Mordor in Arms

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NameMordor in Arms
GameMiddle Earth
SetThe Balrog
Card TextAny company moving in Nurn faces three attacks: Orcs-5 strikes with 8 prowess, Orcs-4 strikes with 10 prowess, Trolls-3 strikes with 12 prowess. If all three attacks are defeated by your opponent, he receives this card in his marshalling point pile and 2 kill marshalling points. Any attempt by a character to influence a faction playable at a site in Horse Plains, Khand, Harondor, Nurn, Gorgoroth, Imlad Morgul, or Ud?n is modified by -6 and cannot be done with Muster.
ArtistOmar Rayyan
LanguageEnglish EN
TypeHazard Event
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