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Legend of the Five Rings -> Cardlists -> Promo Pre-Gold

Available cardlists:
Promo Pre-GoldPath of Hope
Promo GoldDrums of War
Promo Gold & DiamondThe Training Grounds II
Promo DiamondTest of Enlightenment
Promo Diamond & LotusRise of the Shogun
Promo LotusKhan's Defiance
Promo Lotus & SamuraiTomorrow
Promo SamuraiThe Truest Test
Promo Samurai & CelestialSamurai Edition
Promo CelestialStronger Than Steel
PromoThe Emerald and Jade Champions
Pre-ImperialHonor's Veil
Imperial EditionSamurai Edition: Banzai
ShadowlandsUltimate Clan Packs
Emerald EditionWords and Deeds
Forbidden KnowledgeThe Heaven's Will
The Battle of Beiden PassThe Imperial Gift, Part 1
Anvil of DespairGlory of the Empire
Crimson and JadeDeath at Koten
Obsidian EditionCelestial Edition
Time of the VoidCelestial Edition 15th Anniversary
Scorpion Clan CoupThe Imperial Gift, Part 2
Jade EditionPath of the Destroyer
Hidden EmperorThe Harbinger
Pearl EditionThe Plague War
Siege of Sleeping MountainThe Imperial Gift, Part 3
Honor BoundBattle of Kyuden Tonbo
Ambitions DebtEmpire at War
Fire and ShadowThe Dead of Winter
Heroes of RokuganBefore the Dawn
Storms Over Matsu PalaceWar of Honor
Soul of The EmpireForgotten Legacy
Spirit WarsSecond City
Learn to PlayEmperor Edition
Gold EditionEmbers of War
A Perfect CutThe Shadow's Embrace
An Onis FurySeeds of Decay
Dark AlliesHonor and Treachery
The L5R ExperienceEmperor Edition: Gempukku
Broken BladesTorn Asunder
1000 Years of DarknessCoils of Madness
The Fall of Otosa UchiGates of Chaos
Heaven and EarthAftermath
Winds of ChangeA Matter of Honor
Diamond EditionIvory Edition
The Training GroundsThe Coming Storm
Reign of BloodA Line in the Sand
Hidden CitySiege: Heart of Darkness
Wrath of the EmperorThe New Order
Dawn of the EmpireThe Currency of War
Web of LiesTwenty Festivals
Enemy of My EnemyThunderous Acclaim
Code of BushidoSiege: Clan War
Lotus EditionEvil Portents

Edition: Promo Pre-Gold

Available languages (2):

ScanName TypeFactionRarity
[Skan]A Time of LegendsEventP
[Skan]Bayushi GoshiuPersonalityScorpionP
[Skan]DairyaPersonalityToturi's ArmyP
[brak obrazka]Designer WinsEventP
[Skan]Doom of the Dark LordEventP
[brak obrazka]Duty of the MagistrateActionP
[Skan]Eternal Halls of the Shiba (mon back)StrongholdPhoenixP
[brak obrazka]Forward PatrolActionP
[Skan]Heart of the Shinomen Forest (mon back)StrongholdNagaP
[Skan]Hida O-UshiPersonalityCrabP
[Skan]Hida Sukune (Experienced)PersonalityCrab / Toturi's ArmyP
[Skan]Ide TadajiPersonalityUnicornP
[brak obrazka]Imperial AmbassadorHoldingP
[Skan]Iron MountainStrongholdDragonP
[Skan]Isawa KaedePersonalityPhoenixP
[Skan]Kachiko's KissEventP
[Skan]Kakita YoshiPersonalityCraneP
[Skan]Kitsu MotsoPersonalityLionP
[Skan]Kyuden Hitomi (mon back)StrongholdDragonP
[Skan]Kyuden KitsuneStrongholdMantisP
[Skan]Kyuden YoritomoStrongholdMantisP
[Skan]Legion of the Two ThousandFollowerP
[Skan]Moto TsumePersonalityUnalignedP
[Skan]Ninja Shapeshifter (Inexperienced)PersonalityNinjaP
[Skan]Otomo SoraiPersonalityUnalignedP
[Skan]Prophecies of UikkuItemP
[brak obrazka]SeikuaPersonalityBrotherhood of ShinseiP
[Skan]Seppun BakaPersonalityUnalignedP
[Skan]Sepulcher of Bone (mon back)StrongholdShadowlandsP
[Skan]TakaoPersonalityBrotherhood of ShinseiP
[Skan]Tao of ShinseiItemP
[brak obrazka]Tattoo MadnessActionP
[Skan]Temples of the CrowStrongholdBrotherhood of ShinseiP
[Skan]The Ancestral Home of the Lion (IH2)StrongholdLionP
[Skan]The Ancestral Home of the Lion (IH6)StrongholdLionP
[Skan]The Ancestral Home of the Lion (inquest)StrongholdLionP
[brak obrazka]The Ancient Halls of the LionStrongholdLionP
[brak obrazka]The Ancient Halls of the LionStrongholdLionP
[brak obrazka]The Brotherhood of ShinseiStrongholdBrotherhood of ShinseiP
[brak obrazka]The Brotherhood of ShinseiStrongholdBrotherhood of ShinseiP
[brak obrazka]The Brotherhood of ShinseiStrongholdBrotherhood of ShinseiP
[Skan]The Citadel of the HirumaStrongholdCrabP
[Skan]The Dark Path of Shadow (mon back)StrongholdNinjaP
[brak obrazka]The Esteemed House of the CraneStrongholdCraneP
[brak obrazka]The Esteemed House of the CraneStrongholdCraneP
[brak obrazka]The Esteemed House of the CraneStrongholdCraneP
[brak obrazka]The Esteemed House of the CraneStrongholdCraneP
[Skan]The False HoturiPersonalityScorpionP
[Skan]The Farther You FallEventP
[brak obrazka]The Great Walls of KaiuStrongholdCrabP
[brak obrazka]The Great Walls of KaiuStrongholdCrabP
[brak obrazka]The Hidden Temples of NagaStrongholdNagaP
[brak obrazka]The Hidden Temples of NagaStrongholdNagaP
[brak obrazka]The Hidden Temples of the NagaStrongholdNagaP
[brak obrazka]The House of TaoStrongholdBrotherhood of ShinseiP
[Skan]The Imperial FavorN/AP
[brak obrazka]The Iron Fortress of the Daidoji (mon back)StrongholdCraneP
[brak obrazka]The Kitsu TombsStrongholdLionP
[brak obrazka]The Mountain Keep of the DragonStrongholdDragonP
[brak obrazka]The Mountain Keep of the DragonStrongholdDragonP
[brak obrazka]The Mountain Keep of the DragonStrongholdDragonP
[brak obrazka]The Mountain Keep of the DragonStrongholdDragonP
[brak obrazka]The New AkashaStrongholdNagaP
[brak obrazka]The Otaku PalacesStrongholdUnicornP
[Skan]The Palace of Otosan (mon back)StrongholdToturi's ArmyP
[brak obrazka]The Provincial Estate of the UnicornStrongholdUnicornP
[brak obrazka]The Provincial Estate of the UnicornStrongholdUnicornP
[brak obrazka]The Provincial Estate of the UnicornStrongholdUnicornP
[brak obrazka]The Provincial Estate of the UnicornStrongholdUnicornP
[brak obrazka]The Ruined Fortress of the ScorpionStrongholdScorpionP
[brak obrazka]The Ruins of Isawa CastleStrongholdPhoenixP
[brak obrazka]The Ruins of Isawa CastleStrongholdPhoenixP
[brak obrazka]The Sacred Temple of the PhoenixStrongholdPhoenixP
[brak obrazka]The Sacred Temple of the PhoenixStrongholdPhoenixP
[brak obrazka]The Shadow Stronghold of the BayushiStrongholdScorpionP
[brak obrazka]The Shadow Stronghold of the BayushiStrongholdScorpionP
[brak obrazka]The Shadowlands HordeStrongholdShadowlandsP
[brak obrazka]The Shadowlands HordeStrongholdShadowlandsP
[brak obrazka]The Spawning GroundStrongholdShadowlandsP
[Skan]The Towers of the YogoStrongholdScorpionP
[brak obrazka]The War Fortress of the CrabStrongholdCrabP
[brak obrazka]The War Fortress of the CrabStrongholdCrabP
[brak obrazka]The Yoritomo AllianceStrongholdMantisP
[brak obrazka]The Yoritomo AllianceStrongholdMantisP
[brak obrazka]The Yoritomo AllianceStrongholdMantisP
[Skan]Time of the VoidEventP
[Skan]Togashi YoshiPersonalityDragonP
[brak obrazka]Toturi's ArmyStrongholdToturi's ArmyP
[brak obrazka]Toturi's ArmyStrongholdToturi's ArmyP
[brak obrazka]Toturi's ArmyStrongholdToturi's ArmyP
[Skan]War in the HeavensEventP
[Skan]Yogo Junzo's ArmyStrongholdShadowlandsP

Cards: 97

Type distribution
Faction distribution
Brotherhood of Shinsei7
Crab / Toturi's Army1
Toturi's Army5