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Horus Heresy -> Cardlists -> Hands of the Emperor

Available cardlists:
PromoBase Set
Hands of the EmperorSedition's Gate
The Battle for ProsperoTraitor's Gambit
Blades of the TraitorSiege of Terra
Battle for the Golden ThroneDaemons' Fire
Other Rare / Promotional CardsDropsite Massacre

Edition: Hands of the Emperor

Available languages (1):

Nr ScanNameTypeSideRarity
1[Skan]Lentum - Custodian Foot KnightsR
2[Skan]Fulmen - Custodian Guard CavalryR
3[Skan]Aquila - Terminator Assault SquadR
4[Skan]Constantin Valdor and Ares Guard - Custodian Command SquadR
5[Skan]The Hands of the EmperorR
6[Skan]Jenetia Krole and Raptor Guard - Sisters of Silence Command SquadR
7[Skan]Melaena Verdth and Excrutiatus - Extraction SquadR
8[Skan]Iron Lynx - Prosecutor SquadR
9[Skan]Raven's Claw - Assault SquadR

Cards: 9