Nr | Scan | Name | Name (org) | Type | Culture | Rarity |
1 | | Arod, Rohirrim Steed (IT) | Arod, Rohirrim Steed | Possession | Dwarven | R |
2 | | Momento Delicato | Awkward Moment | Event | Dwarven | C |
3 | | Odiati Profondamente | Deep Hatred | Condition | Dwarven | U |
4 | | Principi dei Nani | Dwarf-lords | Event | Dwarven | U |
5 | | Gimli, Sire delle Caverne Scintillanti | Gimli, Lord of the Glittering Caves | Companion | Dwarven | R |
6 | | Onorare la Sua Gente | Honoring His Kinfolk | Event | Dwarven | C |
7 | | Dolore Condiviso | Sorrow Shared | Event | Dwarven | C |
8 | | Subterranean Homestead (IT) | Subterranean Homestead | Condition | Dwarven | R |
9 | | Arwen, Riflesso di Lúthien | Arwen, Reflection of Luthien | Companion | Elven | S |
10 | | Asfaloth, Swift Blossom (IT) | Asfaloth, Swift Blossom | Possession | Elven | R |
11 | | Celeborn, Il Saggio | Celeborn, The Wise | Companion | Elven | R |
12 | | Città degli Alberi | City of the Trees | Condition | Elven | C |
13 | | Cavalleria Travolgente | Crashing Cavalry | Condition | Elven | C |
14 | | Tiro Finale | Final Shot | Event | Elven | C |
15 | | Galadriel, Strega della Terra Nascosta | Galadriel, Sorceress of the Hidden Land | Companion | Elven | R |
16 | | All'Interno di un Canto | Inside a Song | Event | Elven | C |
17 | | Stirpi Estranee | Kindreds Estranged | Event | Elven | U |
18 | | Legolas, Della Grigia Compagnia | Legolas, Of the Grey Company | Companion | Elven | R |
19 | | Scoccare | Let Fly | Event | Elven | U |
20 | | Protettore di Lórien | Lorien Protector | Companion | Elven | S |
21 | | Molte Miglia | Many Miles | Event | Elven | C |
22 | | Dimora Isolata | Secluded Homestead | Possession | Elven | R |
23 | | Elfo Ammantato | Shrouded Elf | Companion | Elven | C |
24 | | Balzò Agilmente in Avanti | Spring Forth Nimbly | Event | Elven | C |
25 | | Ergersi | Standing Tall | Condition | Elven | C |
26 | | Impugnare l'Arco | Take Up the Bow | Condition | Elven | R |
27 | | Abissi di Arcaici Ricordi | Wells of Deep Memory | Condition | Elven | U |
28 | | Alatar, Messo Finale | Alatar, Final Envoy | Follower | Gandalf | U |
29 | | Darson, Mercante dal Dorwinion | Darson, Merchant from Dorwinion | Companion | Gandalf | C |
30 | | Terrore e Meraviglia | Fear and Great Wonder | Condition | Gandalf | C |
31 | | La Fiamma di Anor | The Flame of Anor | Event | Gandalf | U |
32 | | Meno Oscuro per un Momento | For a While Less Dark | Event | Gandalf | C |
33 | | Gandalf, Esecutore del Dovere | Gandalf, Bearer of Obligation | Companion | Gandalf | R |
34 | | Attendi il Mio Ritorno | Look to My Coming | Event | Gandalf | U |
35 | | Non Hai Più Colore | No Colour Now | Event | Gandalf | C |
36 | | Il Palantír di Orthanc, Pietra Veggente Recuperata | The Palantir of Orthanc, Recovered Seeing Stone | Artifact | Gandalf | R |
37 | | Pallando, Che Ha Viaggiato Lontano | Pallando, Far-travelling One | Follower | Gandalf | R |
38 | | Radagast, Tender of Beasts (IT) | Radagast, Tender of Beasts | Follower | Gandalf | R |
39 | | Ritorna da Noi | Return to Us | Event | Gandalf | C |
40 | | Shadowfax, Roaring Wind (IT) | Shadowfax, Roaring Wind | Possession | Gandalf | R |
41 | | Uno Strano Incontro | Strange Meeting | Condition | Gandalf | C |
42 | | Traveler's Homestead (IT) | Traveler's Homestead | Condition | Gandalf | R |
43 | | Vapori e Foschie | Vapour and Steam | Condition | Gandalf | U |
44 | | Orlo dell'Abisso | Chasm's Edge | Condition | Gollum | R |
45 | | Abilmente Nascosto | Cunningly Hidden | Event | Gollum | U |
46 | | Deagol, Scopritore Fatale | Deagol, Fateful Finder | Follower | Gollum | R |
47 | | Posizione | Duality | Event | Gollum | C |
48 | | Barca da Pesca | Fishing Boat | Possession | Gollum | R |
49 | | Dimora di Gaggiolo | Gladden Homestead | Condition | Gollum | R |
50 | | Gollum, Infido Servitore | Gollum, Her Sneak | Minion | Gollum | U |
51 | | E' il Mio Compleanno | It's My Birthday | Event | Gollum | C |
52 | | Piccolo Annusatore | Little Snuffler | Event | Gollum | U |
53 | | Distesa Spoglia | Naked Waste | Event | Gollum | U |
54 | | Sparendo dalla Faccia della Terra | Out of All Knowledge | Event | Gollum | C |
55 | | Sméagol, Semplice Sturoi | Smeagol, Simple Stoor | Companion | Gollum | U |
56 | | Si Avvicinò Silenziosamente | Softly Up Behind | Event | Gollum | U |
57 | | Trap Is Sprung (IT) | Trap Is Sprung | Event | Gollum | R |
58 | | Wild Light of Madness (IT) | Wild Light of Madness | Event | Gollum | R |
59 | | Aragorn, Erede di Isildur | Aragorn, Isildur's Heir | Companion | Gondor | R |
60 | | Svanire nel Vento | Away on the Wind | Condition | Gondor | U |
61 | | Vessilli al Vento | Banners Blowing | Event | Gondor | U |
62 | | Boromir, Erede Condannato | Boromir, Doomed Heir | Companion | Gondor | S |
63 | | Brego, Loyal Steed (IT) | Brego, Loyal Steed | Possession | Gondor | R |
64 | | Denethor, Ultimo Sovrintendente Regnante | Denethor, Last Ruling Steward | Companion | Gondor | R |
65 | | Elendil, High-king of Gondor (IT) | Elendil, High-king of Gondor | Companion | Gondor | R |
66 | | Faramir, Principe dell'Ithilien | Faramir, Prince of Ithilien | Companion | Gondor | C |
67 | | Guardia dell'Albero Bianco | Guard of the White Tree | Companion | Gondor | U |
68 | | Città Protetta | Guarded City | Event | Gondor | C |
69 | | Eredi di Gondor | Heirs of Gondor | Condition | Gondor | C |
70 | | Speranza Rinnovata | Hope Renewed | Event | Gondor | U |
71 | | Isildur, Eredi di Elendil | Isildur, Heir of Elendil | Companion | Gondor | U |
72 | | Eredità dei Re | Kings' Legacy | Condition | Gondor | U |
73 | | Foglia di Re | Kingsfoil | Possession | Gondor | C |
74 | | Radunare la Compagnia | Rally the Company | Event | Gondor | S |
75 | | Eredità del Sovrintendente | Stewards' Legacy | Condition | Gondor | U |
76 | | Storied Homestead (IT) | Storied Homestead | Condition | Gondor | R |
77 | | Mercante dal Lebennin | Tradesman From Lebennin | Companion | Gondor | C |
78 | | Alatar Ingannato | Alatar Deceived | Condition | Isengard | R |
79 | | Pallando Ingannato | Pallando Deceived | Condition | Isengard | U |
80 | | Radagast Ingannato | Radagast Deceived | Condition | Isengard | R |
81 | | Staff of Saruman, Fallen Istar's Stave (IT) | Staff of Saruman, Fallen Istar's Stave | Artifact | Isengard | R |
82 | | Abbattere le Mura | Bring Down the Wall | Event | Men | C |
83 | | Carovana dal Sud | Caravan From the South | Condition | Men | C |
84 | | Campione Corsaro | Corsair Champion | Minion | Men | R |
85 | | Dunlendiano Crudele | Cruel Dunlending | Minion | Men | S |
86 | | Vento del Deserto | Desert Wind | Minion | Men | R |
87 | | Scacciati dalle Pianure | Driven From the Plains | Condition | Men | C |
88 | | Patriarca Dunlandiano | Dunlending Patriarch | Minion | Men | U |
89 | | Intrappolatore Dunlandiano | Dunlending Trapper | Minion | Men | U |
90 | | Corridore Esterling | Easterling Runner | Minion | Men | C |
91 | | Fuochi che Ardono Intensamente | Fires Brightly Burning | Event | Men | U |
92 | | Gríma, Tirapiedi di Saruman | Gríma, Footman of Saruman | Minion | Men | U |
93 | | Harmless (IT) | Harmless | Condition | Men | R |
94 | | Portantina | Howdah | Condition | Men | U |
95 | | In Agguato | Lying in Wait | Condition | Men | U |
96 | | Dunlandiano Spietato | Merciless Dunlending | Minion | Men | C |
97 | | Tagliagole Pirata | Pirate Cutthroat | Minion | Men | C |
98 | | Omicida Sudrone | Southron Murderer | Minion | Men | U |
99 | | Sbandati | Stragglers | Condition | Men | S |
100 | | Dunlandiano Maligno | Vicious Dunlending | Minion | Men | S |
101 | | Voce del Deserto, Truppa Sudrone | Voice of the Desert, Southron Troop | Minion | Men | R |
102 | | Ascia da Battaglia Logora | Worn Battleaxe | Possession | Men | C |
103 | | Minacciando Costantemente | Always Threatening | Condition | Orc | U |
104 | | Pattuglia della Camera | Chamber Patrol | Minion | Orc | R |
105 | | Profanato | Defiled | Event | Orc | U |
106 | | Nemico Dopo Nemico | Enemy Upon Enemy | Condition | Orc | U |
107 | | Servitori Immolabili | Expendable Servants | Event | Orc | C |
108 | | Forced March (IT) | Forced March | Condition | Orc | R |
109 | | Orco Ululante | Howling Orc | Minion | Orc | S |
110 | | Informatore di Isengard | Isengard Informant | Minion | Orc | U |
111 | | Ammassare Le Forze | Massing Strength | Event | Orc | C |
112 | | Frantumatore Orco | Orc Crusher | Minion | Orc | R |
113 | | Rompilinea Orco | Orc Line-breaker | Minion | Orc | C |
114 | | Corridore delle Pianure Orco | Orc Plains Runner | Minion | Orc | S |
115 | | Orc Raid Commander (IT) | Orc Raid Commander | Minion | Orc | R |
116 | | Mietitore Orco | Orc Reaper | Minion | Orc | C |
117 | | Ordnance Grunt (IT) | Ordnance Grunt | Minion | Orc | R |
118 | | Abitante di Picchetto | Picket Denizen | Minion | Orc | S |
119 | | Abitante delle Profondità | Underdeeps Denizen | Minion | Orc | C |
120 | | Profondità Inesorabili | Unforgiving Depths | Condition | Orc | C |
121 | | Qualunque Cosa Significhi | Whatever Means | Event | Orc | C |
122 | | Amare Notizie | Bitter Tidings | Event | Rohan | U |
123 | | Éomer, Erede di Meduseld | Éomer, Heir to Meduseld | Companion | Rohan | R |
124 | | Éowyn, Guerriera Instancabile | Eowyn, Restless Warrior | Companion | Rohan | U |
125 | | Ferthu Théoden Hal | Ferthu Théoden Hal | Event | Rohan | C |
126 | | Firefoot, Mearas of the Mark (IT) | Firefoot, Mearas of the Mark | Possession | Rohan | R |
127 | | Liberamente Nella Nostra Terra | Freely Across Our Land | Condition | Rohan | C |
128 | | Háma, Capitano della Guardia del Re | Hama, Captain of the King's Guard | Companion | Rohan | U |
129 | | Azzoppato | Hamstrung | Event | Rohan | C |
130 | | Tumuli Affrerrati | Hurried Barrows | Event | Rohan | U |
131 | | Mensa del Re | King's Board | Condition | Rohan | U |
132 | | Mercante dell'Ovestfalda | Merchant of Westfold | Companion | Rohan | C |
133 | | Tattico del Riddermark | Riddermark Tactician | Companion | Rohan | C |
134 | | Cavalcate con Me | Ride With Me | Event | Rohan | C |
135 | | Arco del Cavaliere | Rider's Bow | Possession | Rohan | U |
136 | | Nevecrino, Mearas Nobile | Snowmane, Noble Mearas | Possession | Rohan | R |
137 | | Théoden, Il Glorioso | Theoden, The Renowned | Companion | Rohan | R |
138 | | Theodred, Second Marshal of the Mark (IT) | Theodred, Second Marshal of the Mark | Companion | Rohan | R |
139 | | Dimora Esposta al Vento | Wind-swept Homestead | Condition | Rohan | R |
140 | | Sauron, L'Oscuro Signore di Mordor | Sauron, Dark Lord of Mordor | Minion | Sauron | R |
141 | | Scettro dell'Oscuro Signore | Sceptre of the Dark Lord | Artifact | Sauron | R |
142 | | Bilbo, Aged Ring-bearer (IT) | Bilbo, Aged Ring-bearer | Companion | Shire | R |
143 | | Bill il Pony, Amato Teneramente | Bill the Pony, Dearly-loved | Possession | Shire | R |
144 | | Nonno Duepiedi, Vicino di Casa | Daddy Twofoot, Next-door Neighbor | Follower | Shire | U |
145 | | Non Lasciarla | Don't Let Go | Condition | Shire | C |
146 | | Salvo le Mie Ossa | Everything but My Bones | Event | Shire | U |
147 | | Fiducia nell'Amicizia | Faith in Friendship | Condition | Shire | C |
148 | | Destini Intrecciati | Fates Entwined | Condition | Shire | U |
149 | | Frodo, Combattente Infuriato | Frodo, Frenzied Fighter | Companion | Shire | R |
150 | | Frodo Gamgee, Figlio di Samvise | Frodo Gamgee, Son of Samwise | Follower | Shire | U |
151 | | Il Gaffiere, Mastro Giardiniere | The Gaffer, Master Gardener | Follower | Shire | U |
152 | | Dimora Modesta | Humble Homestead | Condition | Shire | R |
153 | | Mithril-coat, Dwarf-mail (IT) | Mithril-coat, Dwarf-mail | Artifact | Shire | R |
154 | | Un Nuovo Capitolo | New Chapter | Condition | Shire | U |
155 | | Fiala di Galadriel, La Luce di Eärendil | Phial of Galadriel, The Light of Earendil | Artifact | Shire | R |
156 | | Sam, Presente nel Bisogno | Sam, Bearer of Great Need | Companion | Shire | R |
157 | | Uomo d'Affari del Decumano Ovest | Westfarthing Businessman | Companion | Shire | C |
158 | | Comandante d'Assalto | Assault Commander | Minion | Uruk-hai | R |
159 | | Abitante d'Assalto | Assault Denizen | Minion | Uruk-hai | C |
160 | | Abitante della Caverna | Cavern Denizen | Minion | Uruk-hai | C |
161 | | Assalto Senza Fine | Endless Assault | Condition | Uruk-hai | C |
162 | | Innumerevoli Nemici | Enemy Without Number | Condition | Uruk-hai | C |
163 | | Uruk in Trance | Entranced Uruk | Minion | Uruk-hai | C |
164 | | Approccio Impavido | Fearless Approach | Condition | Uruk-hai | C |
165 | | Infiltratore di Isengard | Isengard Infiltrator | Minion | Uruk-hai | U |
166 | | Un Nuovo Nemico | New Enemy | Event | Uruk-hai | U |
167 | | Segni di Guerra | Signs of War | Condition | Uruk-hai | U |
168 | | Aggressore Uruk | Uruk Aggressor | Minion | Uruk-hai | C |
169 | | Blitz degli Uruk | Uruk Blitz | Minion | Uruk-hai | R |
170 | | Distoglitore Uruk | Uruk Distractor | Minion | Uruk-hai | U |
171 | | Uruk Invader (IT) | Uruk Invader | Minion | Uruk-hai | R |
172 | | Staffetta Uruk | Uruk Outrider | Minion | Uruk-hai | C |
173 | | Riserva Uruk | Uruk Reserve | Minion | Uruk-hai | C |
174 | | Furfante Uruk | Uruk Rogue | Minion | Uruk-hai | R |
175 | | Tattico Uruk | Uruk Tactician | Minion | Uruk-hai | C |
176 | | Macchina da Guerra | War Machine | Event | Uruk-hai | C |
177 | | Armi di Controllo | Weapons of Control | Condition | Uruk-hai | U |
178 | | L'Oscurità lo Avvolge | Dark Fell About Him | Event | Wraith | R |
179 | | Da Orrende Covate | From Hideous Eyrie | Event | Wraith | U |
180 | | L'Ombra nell'Est | Shadow in the East | Event | Wraith | R |
181 | | Vennero da Mordor | They Came From Mordor | Event | Wraith | U |
182 | | Úlairë Enquëa, Sesto dei Nove Cavalieri | Úlairë Enquëa, Sixth of the Nine Riders | Minion | Wraith | R |
183 | | Úlairë Lemenya, Servitore dell'Ombra | Ulaire Lemenya, Servant of the Shadow | Minion | Wraith | U |
184 | | Úlairë Nertëa, Servitore dell'Ombra | Ulaire Nertea, Servant of the Shadow | Minion | Wraith | C |
185 | | Vena Mineraria Abbandonata | Abandoned Mine Shaft | Site | | U |
186 | | Caverne d' Aglarond | Caves of Aglarond | Site | | S |
187 | | Città dei Re | City of Kings | Site | | U |
188 | | Parapetto del Cortile | Courtyard Parapet | Site | | U |
189 | | Crocevia dei Re Caduti | Crossroads of the Fallen Kings | Site | | S |
190 | | Le Porte di Durin | Doors of Durin | Site | | U |
191 | | Guadi dell'Isen | Fords of Isen | Site | | S |
192 | | I Grandi Cancelli | The Great Gates | Site | | S |
193 | | Sponde dell'Isen | Isenwash | Site | | U |
194 | | Valico Cornorosso | Redhorn Pass | Site | | U |